A Life Saver

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Legosi POV: Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit I may be in big trouble. 

I didn't pull out; oh if she gets pregnant I'm fucked. Fucked six ways to Sunday.

I quickly finished my shower, hastily drying myself off since I needed to talk to Juno ASAP.  

When I deemed myself dry enough to put on clothes, I reached for them, only to realize I forgot to grab any.

I had to quickly run to my dresser in nothing but a towel, I could feel the boys' questioning gazes on me but that wasn't important at the moment.

When I finally got dressed and ready I started to go. Only to get interrupted right as I was about to leave.

"Legosi where are you going?" Jack questioned

"I'm going to eat lunch. Is it over all ready?" I responded 

"Oh yeah, it's 12 isn't it? Guess we forgot about the time because we too busy trying to find out where you were." Jack gave me a slight glare in annoyance as he said this.

"Oh, well sorry. Alright I gotta go see ya." I quickly said

"Legosi wa-" is all Jack got out before the door closed.

I walked at a quick pace to make sure they wouldn't catch up with me, since I really needed to talk to Juno.

I spotted Juno as soon as I got to the cafeteria, she wasn't eating as she was still waiting for me. I wasn't very hungry due to my sudden remembrance of last night. So I was gonna talk first eat later.

I immediately started talking once I got to her, "Juno follow me I need to talk to you about something in private." She seemed to get worried at this, but I was damn near about to have a stroke so I didn't say anything.

I led her to a hall where I knew we wouldn't be bothered and started talking.

"Juno you remember last night, yes?" She was about to say something but I interrupted her, "Well I kinda need to warn I that I um- I- I *sigh* I didn't pull out so there's a chance that, you know... yeah." Is what I managed to get out.

Juno looked at me in confusion for a second before resting her forehead on my chest. I was quite confused by this.

She stayed still for a few seconds, until her shoulders started to shake.

Me, being stupid, didn't know what was going on. I assumed she may have been crying.

Right as I was about to ask if she was okay, she started laughing.

And by laughing I mean like somebody said a fire ass joke kind of laughing.

I was confused and a bit annoyed. And as she kept on laughing I started to get even more annoyed.

While she was laughing she started to try and say something, "I'm sorry f-for laughing but, y-your f-face was just so funny." It was a lot harder to understand what she was saying than it looks.

I waited until she calmed down to speak, "You done yet?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

Taking one final breath she said, "Yes I'm done."

"Good. Now what exactly was so funny? This doesn't seem like a laughing matter to me." I said in an exasperated tone.

"When you were telling me about how you didn't pull out, you looked like you saw a ghost. Your fur turned slightly white, and you looked like you were about to have a breakdown. I'm sorry but it was funny." She explained

I was getting a bit annoyed at this point, "Yeah, I'm sure that I looked quite funny but can you blame me? We could have a serious problem on our hands and you're just laughing about it."

She gave me a look of confusion for a second before putting two and two together.

"Oh Legosi, you underestimate me." she said in a humorous tone

Now I was the one getting confused.

"How do I underestimate you?" I questioned  

"Do you seriously think I would have unprotected in high school. I'm not risking having a kid. Legosi I've been on the pill since we started dating." She explained

I let this information sink in for a second before coming to a realization; my girlfriend is even more awesome than I originally thought.

I was so happy at this realization I grabbed Juno and peppered kisses all over her muzzle to show my gratitude. Not before exclaiming "Juno you're a life saver!"

She giggled adorably as I did this, which gave me even more reason to do so.

I finished it off by giving her a nice, long kiss until we ran out of breath. When we got our lungs back we linked hands and headed to the cafeteria for the lunch I promised. 

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Finally, a Legosi x Juno story. (ABANDONED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora