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General POV: After Legosi decided on what to do about his feelings, he left for drama club. He left much too early but little did he know that this would be a good thing.

Legosi POV: Oh shit I'm way early, I may as well polish all the equipment.

After I got done, I took a quick peak of myself in the mirror

"... Am I getting taller?" I said to no one in general. I would have originally been bummed about this but thanks to Juno she has helped me see that being a wolf isn't so bad.

Speaking of Juno, I want to get closer to her, but I am not sure if she likes me. Even though she finally got me to be proud of being a wolf, I still don't think I'm a good enough wolf for her.

"I'm so pathetic" I whispered to no one.

To pass the time I decided to lay on my back and look at my nails to see how much they had already grown.

I was laying there for probably around a minute before a set of familiar purplish grey hands appeared to the right of mine.

"Is this some kind of good luck ritual?" Juno asked

Me, not expecting her, was startled so I instinctively jumped away from her.

"Juno, w-when did you get here" I yelled quite surprised.

"Just now... sorry for scaring you" she said sheepishly, "You're pretty early Legosi"

"Yeah, well I just needed to think about some stuff." I needed to get the topic of conversation off me.

"Uh so how's the actor's team been? We never really talked about if you like drama or not so far."

"Mm... it's actually been kind of difficult lately."

"Oh really? How has it been difficult? I kind of expected somebody like you to be crushing it immediately."

She blushed a little at the compliment but continued nonetheless, "It seems like the other female members are avoiding me. I'm not so sure if it's because I'm a carnivore or not... The actor team and dance team are supposed to dance in the lighting ceremony. After my audition I was assigned a role, but I wasn't informed about it."

She seemed to be pretty upset about this, so I continued to listen since I want to help her.

"I'm supposed to be a carnivorous female tyrannosaurus. I was later told "you would pull this roll off just fine". I think it was just them teasing but it still hurt.

Juno now had some tears starting to well up. So I rushed over to give her a hug to ease her stress.

I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy hugging her. Because I do enjoy hugging her. I just love the way her head fits perfectly on my chest and how her slender, yet firm arms feel around my torso. I just hope she can't hear my heartbeat.

The hug seemed to calm her down a good amount.

"You OK?" I asked, concerned

"Yes, I'm OK now, thank you Legosi" she said quietly

"It's my pleasure helping you feel better."

I, once again, decided to change the subject

"So, you're on the dance team? Think you could me how much you have learned so far?"

She seemed to be quite surprised at this question, so I quickly replied with

"You don't have to show me if you don't want to."

Almost immediately she replied with "No it's fine, besides, I need somebody else other than the instructor to tell me how I'm doing."

"OK, let's get it started."

While she danced, I would clap in a steady rhythm of 1 through 4 for her to keep tempo. It was going well until she seemed to be a bit troubled.

"I never get part right... it's hard to get the right angle." she said in a slightly frustrated tone

"Hmm... well, I never danced before but I have seen the show so I could give you some advice." I said while I took my jacket off. "Let me just jog my memory a bit."

She was looking at me as if she were in some sort of trance. It confused me, but the look on her face was too cute for me to care.

"Pull your wrist a little more and raise your elbow." I instructed

She stared at me for a second before trying what I said to do. It went on like this for a couple more minutes. Me telling her the move and her replicating it. She would do good when she had to do the move individually; but when it came to continuing... she was struggling.

So I decided to help her by grasping her wrist and helping with the motions.

The second I touched her my heart sped up, but I remained perfectly calm. It was the same thing that happened every time we hugged.

After a while of dancing Juno suddenly grabbed my wrist and turned around, halting our progress.

She gave me a look of what could only be described as pure affection. The sight instantly turned me to jelly.

"Legosi" she said, "My hearts pounding from touching you, but I'm perfectly calm."

"I-I've only experienced this during our hugs. Is it just me or do you know that feeling too?

I look at her in surprise. To think she would make the first step before I could baffled me. But it also made my heart soar at the thought.

"No, I know that feeling all too well. For it is the very feeling I get every time I'm near you.

I made eye contact with her and slowly lowered my head.

"I don't if you share this feeling with me Juno, but I love you"

I crashed my lips against hers. She was incredibly surprised at first but kissed me back all too eagerly. I wrapped my arms around her waist while she wrapped her around my neck, bringing us even closer together. I was so into the moment I didn't notice Shiira walk into the room and stare in disbelief. Followed my many other members.

We kissed until we ran out of breath, but the contact didn't stop. Our foreheads pressed together, and we stared into each other's eyes until we caught our breath. We were about to go for round 2 until somebody to the right of me cleared their throat.

We both stared at each other in shock before slowly turning to the source of the sound. Standing there was damn near most the club staring at us in complete shock.

After what felt like an hour of silence, I decided to break it

"Oh...hey guys?" I mentally faced palmed at my lame greeting

This was going to take a while.

Finally, a Legosi x Juno story. (ABANDONED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora