Trouble In Paradise

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Legosi POV: Confusion. Pure confusion is all I felt right now, with a bit of anger.

For an explanation on why I feel this way, the last two weeks of my life need to be explained.

You see, after that fateful day two weeks ago, I had been the happiest I have ever been in my entire life. Every day since then, I would try to be with Juno as much as possible. By chilling with her in my dorm, going on mini dates around the school. Or, on some days, only being able to each lunch, or have a quick chat and kiss between classes.

And then obviously being together as much as possible during drama class. Without straight up ignoring our tasks.

Even on the days where we barely got to see each other, I was still in a great mood. Not even Juno's flirtatious friends and my teasing ones would be enough to kill my vibe.

My current mood might be a shock to some animals. Since I'm basically a polar opposite of how I've been these last two weeks, and I wouldn't blame them. Since I'm basically back to my old brooding self at the moment.

It all started when Louis came up to me today awhile after drama club ended. He told me about his encounter with Juno, and all the things she said to him.

Quick context: Juno was late to drama club today because she was helping a sloth girl get to class. With sloths being slow, it obviously took her awhile.

He told me everything she said to him. He told me about how she pinned him to the ground and started boasting about becoming the next Beastar. The worst part was how she claimed that since she now had me, nothing would stop her. Since people supposedly see us as "the perfect grey wolf couple".

I was confused because I didn't know if I could completely trust Louis in this situation. Since I know his secret and also made a fool of him.

I was also mad at Juno, but I wasn't mad to the point where I can't think straight. Just miffed enough with her in the possibility that this is true.

And if it is true. I'll be pissed.

Juno POV: I was walking to the usual spot Legosi and I meet at after classes, thinking how happy I was to finally have him.

When I got there, I saw him as usual. But something

He seemed tense and every animal-carnivore or herbivore-would pick up the pace when they got near him.

When he saw me, he tensed up a little bit, and I swear I saw him snarl a little.

This made me lose a little bit of my nerve. I just hope he doesn't know about THAT.

He wasted no time when I got to him, "So, Juno, I heard from Louis that you pretty much assaulted him after class, and then proceeded to say some completely outlandish things. Such as "Now that I have Legosi, I will be the next Beastar. Everybody sees us as the perfect grey wolf couple, so you stand no chance against two carnivores."

I tried to speak but Legosi didn't give me the chance.

"Do you know how much that hurt to hear. To hear that A. My girlfriend assaulted an herbivore, B. She bragged and boasted about being the next Beastar, and C. She pretty much claimed that she was only dating me FOR A BOOSTED STATUS!"

We pretty much had the attention of the entire hallway. Legosi didn't seem to care though.

"Tell me Juno! Tell me! Is he telling the truth? Did you really do and say all those things?"

I was so ashamed, the only I could conjure was a small nod.

This seemed to shut Legosi down for a second, his entire being looking defeated.

But he got mad again, he walked up to me and aggressively whispered "Don't try to talk to me for a while, I want you to think over what you did. Because that truly hurt me."

When he turned around, he saw the entire hall looking directly at him.

This didn't go over well with him.


He stared down the crowd for a few seconds before angrily walking off.

I just stood there for a few seconds, numb to my surroundings before quickly walking off to my dorm so I didn't cry in public.

Legosi POV: Angry, furious, irate, enraged, were a few words to describe how I felt.

But most of all, I was hurt, heartbroken.

I still pissed when I got to my dorm.

I swung the door open, surprising everyone in the room.

Collot, noticing my mood, nervously asked "H-hey Legosi, what happened?"

Hearing this made me think of what Juno did. So, in an act of pure rage, without thinking, I punched a big ass hole clean into the wall.

I ignored their shocked gazes and went to my bunk, where I closed the curtain behind me.

They didn't bother me for the rest of the day. Which I was completely fine with.

I was calmed down awhile later, so my other emotions came through. My hurt from essentially being used by Juno came through, and I silently cried until I passed out from exhaustion.

(Uh-oh this isn't looking good for those two. Leave a review if you want)

(Btw "Spoiler Alert" for my own story: There IS NOT going to be any herbivore eating of any kind is this story. I fucking hate when authors make Juno or Legosi crazy herbivore eaters.) 

Finally, a Legosi x Juno story. (ABANDONED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora