An Explanation

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Legosi POV: "So... I assume you want some answers, am I correct?"

The question was left hanging in the air, waiting for somebody to answer to it.

"Y-yes we want some answers." Jack replied nervously

"Well then, hit me with your questions." I calmly said

"How long have you two been together?" Collot asked with no hesitation

"Believe it or not, we've only started dating today." I stated

This seemed to surprise them quite a bit. Since they probably never expect that I would "sleep" with her on my first day.

"Really? The way you guys were acting, it looked like you could've been dating a couple months. And I never would have guessed you would do something like that even within the first couple weeks." Durham said, confirming my suspicions.

"Well, that's just how easy it is to be around Juno. Not to sound too corny, but simply being near her makes me feel so much better. She's always been extremely easy to talk to; probably easier than it is talking to Jack just because she doesn't know how awkward I used to be. So cuddling is a cakewalk."

I stated all of this in a confident tone, trying to show that I couldn't care for their opinions.

They seemed to accept my explanation.

It was all fine until Jack asked the big question.

"So Legosi... do you love her?"

Now THAT was an interesting question.

The answer to that question is yes and no.

Yes, I love Juno. I care and want the best for her. I'm completely infatuated by her; and being with her is always the best part of my day. The last thing I want is to see her unhappy.

But the answer is also no.

No, I don't love Juno, because love is such a strong word to use. Especially for someone my age. It's easy to tell Juno I love her, but to tell my friends I already am using that word may seem weird to them. Why should I care though?

I pondered on this for a little longer before getting my answer.

"...Yes, I love Juno. I know we only started dating today, but I feel so strongly for her it only seems right to use that word." I stated


"...Well okay just, try not to get your heart broken." Jack said after a long beat of silence

And just like that they were done questioning me. I was quite surprised since I expected to be bombarded with questions. Though I wasn't going to complain.

I just sat around after, reading manga and checking my phone every once in a while.

Throughout this entire time, I couldn't shake the feelings of happiness I had inside me. Knowing I didn't have to keep my relationship with Juno on the DL around the boys.

I stayed like that until I went to bed. Sleeping yet again, with a smile on my face.

(Sorry for the not great chapter. Taking that short break kinda killed my flow and I needed to get something out there. Thanks DELT45 for reminding me that I didn't update on time.)

(Leave a review if you want.) 

(I really am sorry about the piss poor update. The next one will be better.)

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