Meeting the new member

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Legosi POV: "Hey, my name Legosi" I inwardly cringed at how casual the greeting was after the display I had just put on. 

It was silent for what felt like a minute before the girl jumped me and gave me a big hug. She burrowed her head into my chest to hide her face. I was momentarily shocked but when I felt her tears soaking my shirt I instantly hugged back. I rubbed her back soothingly until she was all cried out, in which she looked up at me with wide eyes.

We stared into each others eyes for a moment until we both realized what just happened. We both quickly jumped up and started apologizing.

"s-sorry for jumping on you-" "no no you don't need to be sorry i'm sorry for getting so close to y-" "well i'm sorry for cryin-" "no it's okay besides"

After awhile of rushed apologies we both just gave up and stared at the ground

"Soooo... were those boys telling the truth about why they were bullying you" I mentally face palmed because of course that would be the reason they were bullying her. I mean, 2 of the suspects in the attack were grey wolves.

"Yes that is... that is why they were bullying me" still unnamed wolf girl said.

It was silent again until she suddenly said "Do we have to get used... to this...?" the tears threatening to spill over again. 

I tried to quickly think of something so I said "You do, but how about any time you have a problem with this you can text me and I'll help you with your problem." 


That seemed to do the trick though because she seemed to slightly perk up.

"Sure, what's your number?" STILL unnamed wolf girl said.

When we got to the point of me making her a contact I awkwardly asked what her name was.

She simply replied with "Juno". The name suits her, a beautiful name for a beautiful wolf. 

The name also rang a bell, she WAS the new member of the drama club.

To confirm it I asked her " Are you perhaps a new member of the drama club?"

"Yes, when I joined I heard from Shiira that there's a grey wolf just like me, a second-year named Legosi. She told me you were a kind wolf and I'm glad she was correct. Thought I didn't expect you to be so aggressive."

Oh... I had almost forgotten about my little rage incident back there. I guess talking to someone as beautiful and sweet as Juno can make a guy forget. Wait why do I keep thinking these type of thoughts?

"Yeahhh... please don't tell anyone about what I did, I can't have anybody know especially after my little performance during the school play. I can't have Louis up my ass anymore than he already is."

 "Don't worry, my lips are sealed" she said 

A few minutes later after talking about us and getting more acquainted i asked her a question,

"Are you coming to club today?"

"No only second years are supposed to show up." Bummer I was wanting to talk to her more.

"Oh, okay I didn't know. Well I guess I'll see you in drama"(or hopefully outside of class so we can talk more)

After waving goodbye to her I realized that my mood had done a complete 180 from what it was before. In fact I was extremely upbeat, I don't know why but talking to Juno just made me happier and my heart race a little bit faster. I sure hope Jack doesn't notice and comment on it.

Jack POV: I was just chilling around in room 701 waiting for Legosi to return after he forgot his backpack. Meanwhile Durham was having a slight rant session to everybody (though it was mostly to himself) about how the herbivores act after an attack.

"They always just act so-" was all I heard before the doorknob started turning. We all knew it was Legosi because the door was locked and he was the only one not here. 

When he entered he seemed to have a bit of a spring in his step. He was also holding himself up much higher than usual had a small smile on his face. 

"Hey, what's up?" he said, oblivious to the obvious stares directed at him.

He proceeded to walk over to his bunk and sit down, looking like he was staring off into space. Still completely oblivious to everyone.

"So Legsoi, did anything happen while you were gone?" I asked

He seemed to go over this question for a second.

"No, nothing interesting happened why do you ask?"

I didn't want to seem like an ass so I decided to simply respond with "No reason"

Durham didn't seem to care about trying to be nice at pretty much yelled "Bullshit you never walk around smiling to yourself about something. Something had to have happened."

Collot also joined in, "Perhaps Legosi finally met a girl he likes"

Legosi stiffined up at that a little bit, I was about to say something before he suddenly exclaimed something about a drama club meeting and that he had to go.

After he left everybody looked at each other and said at the same time "He met a girl"

Finally, a Legosi x Juno story. (ABANDONED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt