After the Black Market

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(This chapter takes place after the whole Black Market/Back Alley Market stuff)

Legosi POV: I'm currently heading to the Gardening Club to talk to Haru. After panda guy (I know that's not his name) gave me that bunny porn mag I decided to read it to see if I would be "stimulated". Long story short, it didn't do jack shit. So I promptly threw it away in one of the trash cans around the school. 

I'm gonna talk to Haru to see if my liking to her was more towards just her. Maybe I was attracted to her personality and the way she is? I don't know but i'm here to find out. If I don't feel anything for her while talking, then panda was right. 

Just as I was about to knock, Louis opened the door. What was he doing here?

"Louis what are doing here?" i asked

"The Gardening Club is participating in the festival, just as us. It's my duty as a third year to make sure she's attending, so were well acquainted." I would have accepted this, but he got in a defensive stance which started to make me second guess him.

"Oh, so is Haru in there?"

"No, she unfortunately isn't, she's probably in her dorm." 

Now I could tell he was lying because when I first saw Louis it looked like he was talking to someone. But I kept my facade of not knowing up, for now.

"Oh, okay. If she's not here then lets head back together." I could tell he was looking at me weirdly as I walked away, but I honestly didn't care.

When he caught up to me I could smell something familiar. It seemed like it was coming from Louis. When he wasn't looking I quickly took a deep sniff of him, what I smelled was SO familiar but I just couldn't seem to figure it out.

And then it hit me. Louis smelled like Haru; and that could only mean one thing. 

Louis just did "it" with Haru.

Now all of the rumor's I heard about Haru came flying back to memory, each one worse than the next. All the stories from other herbivore's about some "hot white rabbit" suddenly made sense. Hell, the first time we met she tried to do it with me. I was mad, but I was mad at myself for being such a fool. How could I ever even think about wanting to be more than friends with Haru. I mean why would I want to be more than friends when I have somebody like Juno?


"-egosi, LEGOSI!" the sudden yelling from Louis caught my attention

"What?" I yelled, startled

"Are you just gonna stand there all day or are you gonna GET MOVING!" 

As he yelled at me I thought about it, how funny it was that the seemingly "Perfect" future Beastar Louis had a secret relationship with the slut of the school. It was so funny I did what any regular animal would do when they see or think of something funny. I laughed my ass off.

While I was laughing I caught sight of Louis looking at me like a mad man. The sight was so funny I laughed a little harder.

After I calmed down I looked over to Louis who was giving me a skeptical look. 

"What's so funny Legosi?" 

Should I tell him? Should I not tell him?

I told him.

"Oh you know, I just suddenly found out a secret of yours related to Haru."

He gave me a shocked look but nonetheless asked "What secret?" in a true ooc moment.

I look at him and simply said "Go shower dude you smell like rabbit" and winked at him. As I walked away I cast a glance at Louis and I gotta say the look he had on him made me damn near lose it again.

(A.N. similar to this)

 similar to this)

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After I was done laughing I thought about my situation with Haru. What was I gonna do now that I don't wanna be with Haru anymore. I mean I should be sad about it, but honestly, I'm more annoyed that I didn't realize the truth. I mean, I guess we could still be friends? 

Now on to more important matters... why did I think of Juno like that? Do I really love Juno? I mean, we've talked and interacted a lot since we first met and every time we do my hearts speeds up and I have a hard time not staring at her. If I do actually love does SHE even like me back. Am I a potential lover or am I just a friend who helped her with her bullying problems. 

I went on like this the entire walk back to my dorm. Surprisingly no one was there so I was free to think without disruption.

So I sat there for probably around half an hour thinking about what I should do with my feelings. And then I figured it out, I decided that I would tell her about my feelings as soon as I got the opportunity.

Little did I know that the opportunity would come sooner than expected.

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