Chapter 1, I guess

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(Y/n POV)

'Oh shit okay. So this is what's gonna happen? All this work for fucking nothing?!' I think as I pack my bags. My boyfriend- well, I guess it's ex-boyfriend now, just dumped me and told me to leave. I guess it's alright, he was a dick anyway. And abusive. But still, I held my head high and didn't let him see he was hurting me on the inside. Not only that, he was ripping me apart piece by piece. I chuckled as I thought of one of my favorite movies, Guardians of the Galaxy, the scene where Rocket gets drunk and has an emotional breakdown. 'Ripped apart and put back together again and again.' I heard the door open. Then my heart beating faster. Footsteps came to my door. I took a few breaths and continued packing. It really wasn't much, just a few suitcases. My ex never got me anything.

"So are you gonna live on the street now? Or go back to your parents' house?" He questioned.

You thought for a moment. "Neither."

"Well you sure as hell aren't staying here."

"I know. Why do you think I packed up all my stuff? I'm going to live with some... Old friends from childhood. I already called them and they said one of them will pick me up in a few hours." I lied. I didn't call them. I didn't even ask them. I know they will take me in, though. They always cared for me. I walk outside and text one of them. He responds and says I'll be picked up by 2:00. It's currently noon. 'Ugh. I have a whole two hours to wait for them. I guess I can go to the coffee shop nearby. Yeah that'd be nice... But where would I leave my bags? Eh, I'll just take them with me. It's not like anyone would take them.' I think.

When I get to the coffee shop, I order a hot chocolate and about four whole cups of whipped cream. I would have given them twenty pounds for two cans. I got about a whole can for five, though. I went to throw my trash away and saw someone about to steal my bags. I rushed over to them and before I could get there, a man wearing a red hoodie, black slacks and red shoes, with caramel colored hair in the shape of two horns stopped the thief and brought my things to me.

"Thanks, Tord," I said graciously. "Where are the others?" I asked. He made a motion for me to follow him and grabbed my other two bags. We walked outside to a red car. Not sure what kind. I don't know anything about cars. I meant to learn about cars, but then I forgot. There was no one else in the car. I guess Edd told Tord to come. Knowing them, they are probably fixing up the room I'll be staying in. We toss the luggage into the back and I go to the passenger seat. Tord drives me home as I listen to my music. He asks what I'm listening to but I pretend not to hear him. While he looks the other way, I quickly change the radio to Bluetooth and turn the volume down.

(Tord POV)
The music stops and I look at the speakers then turn up the music. Right before I do, I look at y/n and see her eyes widen slightly. Oh no. I know what that look is. Too late to turn back now.

"Sunshine lollipops and rainbows everything that's wonderful-" I stop the music while screeching obscenities. And just screeching.

Tiiiiimmmmmeeee sssskiiiiiiiip


Tord walks inside and sits on the couch. I close the door and knock, snickering. I hear grunting and things knocking over. I'm greeted by a male with dark brown hair, with a green hoodie, khakis, and green shoes. Green was smiling at me and offered to take my bags. A male with light brown, almost blonde hair standing straight up like it was defying gravity, wearing a blue hoodie and gray shirt under it and black ripped jeans. He wore checkered black and white boots and had pure black eyes. Upon first sight, it was super scary but once you get used to it, it's pretty cool... Not to mention the beautiful darkness I hope he has forever. Blue was softly smiling and was about to say something when a third male squealed in delight. This one was, unlike the others, a ginger, with bright blue eyes and freckles. He wore a purple hoodie with a short green overcoat and vibrant blue jeans.

"Y/n! You look so beautiful!! Not as beautiful as me, though." Purple says.

"Matt! Same old narcissistic Matt." I give him a big hug and once I let go I look Blue in the eyes and turn around to face Green. "Edd!" I hug him. I know Tom is a little bit disappointed but I want to play with him a little more. I turn back around to face the inside of the house and give Tom a greetings nod. "Tom."

"Uh, hey... Y/n." Tom responds, slightly upset.

"I'm here, too!" Tord yells from the couch.

"Then come help me with these bags!" Edd shouts back, struggling to carry one. Tord comes over and picks up the other two, looking Edd in the eyes and carries both to the room I assume I will be staying in. Tom shakes his head disappointedly and rolls my last baggage to the room. Matt grabs my wrist and pulls me inside while Edd closes the door. Next thing I know, I'm inside a room with (f/c favorite color) walls and some other colors filling the room. It's big but not too big. Just the right size.

"I love it!" I turn to face the others. "Thank you..." I watch the four guys begin to leave one by one, and pull Tom back. I wrap my arms around him and bury my head into his chest. "Don't think I forgot about your hug. Don't tell the others, but I missed you the most." I let go. "Oh! By the way, when am I coming to school with you guys?" This makes Tom stop dead in his tracks.

"Well... I'm the only one still in school.. Don't you remember I'm the youngest of us? Err... The four guys of
... Y-you understand."

"Oh no one went to college?" I question.

"I mean, Edd and Matt are in college. Edd for art and Matt for "fashion". Tord doesn't have enough time for more school. And I'm not old enough." Tom explains.

"Oh. I guess it's just you and me! Against the harsh world of school." I laugh. He doesn't.

"You have no idea how much harsher the world in this school is. Trust only me unless I say who you can trust." He solemnly mutters. I understand and nod. "Anyway, you can come next week. That way you have enough time to settle in and prepare." I hug him one final time.

"Tell the others I said goodnight." I say as I crawl into my new (f/c) bed. 'This should be interesting' I think as I scroll my black covered phone. Later on, I hear a bass playing. I set my phone to record and drift to sleep, following the music.

Tom x Female Reader x Tord Highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now