Chapter 2

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(Y/n POV)

I wake up to yelling and shouting. 'Ugh. What's going on now?' I think. Edd and Matt warned me that Tom and Tord still fought and now it's become more aggressive. I get dressed quickly in black ripped jeans, a (f/c) crop top short sleeve shirt with (hogwarts house) socks, (f/c) shoes, and a silver and white flower crown. I can barely ever decide between a flower crown or a hat. I put on a (second f/c) jacket with lots a pockets. I'm very happy about that. I open my door and the arguing gets louder, and I can hear grunting. I walk to the origin of the noise and enter the kitchen. I don't make any sounds so they don't know I'm listening in on them.

"Commie, you can't just take her out on a fucking date!" Oh? Tom's going at Tord for wanting to take me out? On a date? What???

"Language." I can tell the exasperated tone is Edd.

"You have to get to know her more first! Besides, she's 17 and you are in your fucking twenties!" I didn't realize they still know how old I am.

"So what, Witness!? I can do what I want!" Of course they are fighting, but fighting about me? I wouldn't have expected THAT... I quietly take a few steps back and walk towards the kitchen, making sure they hear my footsteps. 'I wouldn't want to be caught listening in on them...'

"Good morning boys." They look to me. Everyone is still in their pajamas except Matt. He isn't in here. Tom is in a loose gray t-shirt and black and blue plaid pajama pants. Edd is wearing a black shirt with a white cat on it and gray sleep shorts. Tord is covered the least, with a bright red tank top and darkish red boxers. I blush as I take in what he's wearing. "How did everyone sleep?" I ask as I pick up a cola from the fridge and look at Edd. He nods and I take it.

"I slept well. I had a dream where I got a cat. I think it was a tabby." Edd says. I roll my eyes. He has loved cats since he learned about them.

Tord shrugs his shoulders. "It was fine. I had a pretty nice dream, too." His face displays a perverted look. I blush out of not knowing what to do and knowing what he was thinking. I look to Tom.

"It was fine, I couldn't really sleep though. I had to- uh, nevermind." He responds. I'll talk to him about the song later.

"Well I had a good night's rest. Although I also couldn't sleep until later on. It all worked out, though." I say as I take a sip from the can. "Anyway, what do you guys wanna do today? I feel like going to the arcade. What'cha think?"

"I'm in! I want to show everyone how good I am at gun shooting." Tord replies.

"Sure. Then we can go look at animals. I feel like my dream was almost real." Edd says. Tom mumbles an agreement and nods his head.

"Sweet! How about at ten we can go?" You question. "That gives us enough time to eat and for Matt to wake up."

"Alright." Tom and Tord say at the same time. They give each other a glare.

"Sure. You are pretty good at planning, (y/n)." Edd mentions.

Time skip because I'm lazy.

(Tom POV)

We all walk into the arcade and commie goes straight to the shooting game area, Y/n right at his heel. Without thinking, the other two and I follow them.

"I bet I can do better than you, Tord." (Y/n) says as she picks up her gun. I can't believe this. She's challenging Tord!

"Ha! Think again, (y/n). I'm the best at these games." Tord replies.

"Loser has to pay for snacks." Oh god.

"Game on." Oh no.

Edd, Matt, and I watch as (y/n) did just as she said, and beats Tord, claiming the new high score.

"Rematch?" (Y/n) asks with a smug face. Tord turns and walks away. 'Wow... She could be the new Red Leader with those gun shooting skills.' I think. (Btw, the group knows Tord is the Red Leader. They don't fully support his decision, but they are glad he told them. They haven't told (Y/n) yet, though.)

I walk over to the music games. A few have guitars and I pick one up. (Y/n) stands behind me as I start playing the notes. I'm killing it and by now, not only is our group watching, but a small crowd has gathered around me. I reach a score of 2057 and only get a few notes wrong. (Y/n) pulls me to another game with two guitars and picks one up to put in position. I read the instructions and get ready. It's one of those games of 'who can do it better?'.

"Ladies first~!" She says. I become flustered and Tord laughs. I start the game.

(Edd POV)

Tom starts off the game and chooses a song from the list. (The song is at the top.) He hits all the right notes and adds a few of his own. He starts humming the lyrics which aren't part of the music. I see (y/n) smirk. 'What is she planning?' I think.

"Bet you can't sing the words and play the song!" She shouts. Tom gives a wicked kind of smile and waits for the next part with lyrics.

"All we are, we a-a-are! All we are, we are! All we are, we a-a-are! Party 'til we die! Always gettin' crazy, always gettin' high! Always say forever, party 'til we die. Always gettin' crazy, always gettin' high! Always say forever, party 'til we die!" I catch a glimpse of (y/n) checking her phone and I see she's recording this. After a minute or so, Tom stops and (y/n) stops recording. She puts away her phone but I take mine out. 'No way she's getting away with this without someone recording her, too!' I think. She walks up and chooses her song.

Tom x Female Reader x Tord Highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now