Chapter 7

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~After lunch~ (Tom POV)

I pull (Y/n) to class, bumping into anyone in the way but not bothering to apologize to them. Our next class is Art, which I am awesome at. It's not my favorite, though. We walk through the door and the smell of crafty stuff floods my senses. (Y/n) and I see some students messing around with a huge hot wax container.

"Ooh wax," we both say aloud as we dash over to the container and stick one of each of our hands in. I hear some other arriving kids and watching students gasp and I also hear some "Oh my god"s but none of that fazes us. As soon as I put my hand in I knew what stupid thing I had done because it is very hot.

The teacher comes over and asks us, "Are you okay? That's really hot wax..." I somehow manage to keep a straight face and not scream because I don't want to also be known as the idiot who put their hand in boiling wax.

"Oh, it is? I can't feel a thing." I say and look to (Y/n). She now has both hands in the wax and wincing every so often. 'Does she even think that's hot?' I wonder. After about a minute I silently pull my hand out and take (Y/n) to the nurse. Any person that comes by and asks for a hall pass, I show them our hands and they walk away.

"Did the wax even feel hot to you?" I suddenly ask her. She shook her head.

"Nope. Not one bit. You?" She asks.

I vigorously nod my head, "Very. It was boiling... How did you not feel that?"

"I think the experiments did this to me. Oh well." We arrive at the nurse and she sends us to the hospital.

"Well fuck." Is all (Y/n) says. I only respond with a 'Yep.'

~Another time skip~

"What the heck were you thinking!? You could have gotten severe burns!!!" Edd scolds us at the hospital with Matt. Tord is probably at his base and (Y/n) is in the next room over.

"I dunno. I saw the wax, I thought 'ooh wax', we said 'ooh wax' and we stuck our hands in." I explain. "Oww! Matt! Not too hard!" I realize what I said. Matt is playing with my hair and I'm sitting in his lap so it's the most comfortable for both of us.

I know Matt is an idiot, but he's also kinda clingy and childish. I feel his hands leave my hair and instead, wrap around my torso. As much as I hate him, he's like a brother to me. I will always protect him and always make fun of him. I feel Matt's chin rest on my shoulder and I tilt my head to lean against his.


I instinctively spin my head to look at Edd. He's looking at the doorway. My eyes follow the direction of his and I see Tord. 'Wow...' I think. Instead of his usual red hoodie, Tord wears a white shirt with a red rose on it and a black jacket over it. The rest of his outfit is more or less the same, but his hair is kind of shiny and less messy than usual. I can see small bits and pieces of flower petals here and there on him. He has a bandaid on his cheek that doesn't completely cover a scratch. I feel my face heat up. 'Hot' I think. I don't even bother to push those thoughts away from my mind. I notice Tord has a few blue Forget-Me-Not flowers in his right hand and in his left hand, he holds some (f/c) peonies.

"What did it feel like? Did it hurt?" He asks.

"It felt like sticking your hand in thick blood, but extremely hot. Yeah, it really hurt. But thanks to my monster genes, I healed pretty quickly." I explain. "I assume you haven't seen (Y/n) yet?"

Tord nods. "Yeah, they only told your room number." He walks over to my bedside table and puts down the blue flowers. "Anyway, these are for you. I thought you might like them."

"Why did you get me flowers? I thought we hate each other." I question.

He looks to the side with a cold gaze. "I would rather talk about this alone or at home. Is that okay with you?"

"Yep. Anyway, (Y/n)'s room is next to here. To the right. You can drop off her flowers and talk to her. Then come back and tell me how she is." I tell him.

"Okay, I'll be back." And with that, Tord leaves. I look over to my flowers and pick one up. I twist the stem and bend it around my fingers. I don't need to bring it to my nose to smell it, I can do it just fine.


I look up to see Edd standing next to Matt who's on the bed. Edd has a huge shit- eating grin on his face and Matt, well, he's confused.

"So..." Edd starts. "What do you think of the flowers?" I'm surprised he asks that.

"I like them. Forget-Me-Nots are some of my favorite kinds." I answer.

"And uh," Matt hesitates and looks at Edd, who then nods. "What do you think of Tord coming to check up on you here?"

I faintly blush. "I think he's being considerate. I'm sure he just wanted to see (Y/n) and saw the flowers on the way here, so he got me some to not feel left out." I respond.

"So- so uh w-wha.. Why would he not want you to feel left out? Is there something going on between you two?" Matt asks and giggles.

"Or you three?" Edd cuts in. Now I noticeably blush more and I try to cover my face.

"No. Sh-shut up... Nothing is going on between us," I stutter out and scold myself for stuttering.

I hear a crash and a yell and dart my head to (Y/n)'s room.

"We need to check this out." I state as I get ready to leave the room.

"But Tom, your hand isn't fully healed!" Edd stops me.

"It's healed enough. Move." I shove past Edd with him and Matt right behind me. We go into the next room over and see (Y/n) curled up in the corner, Tord standing in front of her but facing away from her, and a guy who looks like he's gonna kill someone. (Y/n) is sobbing and I signal Edd and Matt to check on her. I step over to Tord, not taking my eyes off the man, and stand next to him.

Tom x Female Reader x Tord Highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now