Chapter 9

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~Back at home~

(Y/n POV)

I flop onto my bed and think. Not about anything of particular. Just messing around with words. 'Math. Mat. Matt. Matthew. Mah fren Matt Heart. My other friend Edd Guild. My other other friend Tord Lordsin. My other other other friend Tom Ridgewood. Mah frens.' I laugh to myself. 'Cross my heart, hope to die... Never will I tell a lie. If I must, I'll lose your trust. And never get some sleep tonight.' I think. 'Hmm... That would make a good short song or poem.' I grab a pencil and paper.

"Cross my heart, hope to die. Never will I tell a lie... Nah. I lie like a rug. Never SHOULD I tell a lie. If I must, I'll lose your trust. And never get some sleep tonight." I say as I write it down. "If I might, hold me tight and I will say my last good-bye." I hear footsteps around my room but choose to ignore it. "I'll never fake it 'til I make it 'cause when I'm done, I'm ever achin'." I tap my finger against the desk. "I know love is just a pain, there's nothing else for me to gain. I'd find a mate then they'll say hate. I'll try to light the flame for fame but I know I'd just get the blame." I finish writing down the words and I hear a knock at my door. "Come on in," I say.

Tom walks in, "That was pretty cool, (Y/n)." I tense a little.

"How much did you hear?" I question.

"I'll never fake it 'til I make it 'cause when I'm done I'm ever achin'. Just that and after." I groan. "I think it could sound kinda good as a rap." Tom offers. I shrug.

"Do what you want with it." I say, handing him the paper. He leaves my room and comes back with his guitar.

"Cross my heart, hope to die. Never should I tell a lie... If I must... I'll lose your tru-ust. And never get some sleep. Tonight." He sings and pauses for the guitar to introduce the next verse. "If I might, hold me tight, and I will say my last good-bye." He pauses again. "I'll never fake it 'til I make it 'cause when I'm done I'm ever achin'. I know love is just pain. There's nothing else for me to gain. I'd find a mate then they'll say hate. I'll try to light the flame for fame but I know I'd just get the blame." He stops abruptly. "What do you think?"

"I love it. What should I do?" I ask him.

"We can make up a rhythm for you. What do you wanna do?" He suggests. I think for a moment.

"Do you have any drums or something we can use as drums?" I question. He nods and brings me to his room.

"I hope it fits you well. I haven't been able to break it in." I rest on the seat and pick up the sticks. I tap the drums a couple times each. "It's great!" I excitedly shout. He lets out a small 'yay'.

Over the next couple of hours, Tom and I decide on notes, bickering over random things here and there.

-Buzz buzz-

Tom takes out his phone and shows a text from Edd.


Dinner's almost ready!

What are we having?

Can't tell you. It's a SOUPrise...

Is it soup?

I souppose it could be.. Ha

Stop that

Stoup what?

Stop saying soup puns


Tom puts away his phone and takes me to the kitchen. We sit down and me, Edd, Matt, and Tom conversate.

-Time skip to after dinner-

"It was fucking tacos!!!" I yell into my phone. I'm on a call with Tord since he's away for the weekend. They don't know I know Tord is Red Leader. "So how is it in the base? I assume that's where you are if you are doing important business stuff." His laughing stops and I hear a sharp and short inhale.

"How do you know about that?" He asks. Well, asks is not quite the right term... Demands the answer is more correct.

"I've known for quite a while. I'm kinda insulted you guys didn't bother to tell me." I say, in my normal tone, but with just an ounce of playful.
"I knew a bit before you took me in. Don't worry. As far as I know, nobody else does. I haven't told anyone and I don't plan on it either." I hear a sigh from the other end of the line. "Anyway, I'm writing a song or something. Wanna hear it?"

"Fæn ja!"

"Okay just gotta find the paper... Alright, got it. 'Cross my heart, hope to die. Never should I tell a lie... If I must... I'll lose your tru-ust. And never get some sleep tonight. If I might, hold me tight, and I will say my last good-bye. I'll never fake it 'til I make it 'cause when I'm done I'm ever achin'. I know love is just pain. There's nothing else for me to gain. I'd find a mate then they'll say hate. I'll try to light the flame for fame but I know I'd just get the blame.' Whaddya think?"

"It's awesome. You should really sing in front of others more often. You truly have a wonderful voice." Tord compliments.

"Why thank you!" I take the compliment.

"But I suggest adding onto it more. Maybe even add a chorus." He says.

"I was thinking about that. Not sure what though." I reply.

"Just think about it. If you like it, you like it. If they don't, they don't. Don't overwork yourself and don't stress over it." His advice is surprisingly good.

"Thanks... Well, I gotta go. See you when you get back!" After a 'bye' from Tord, I hang up. I see Matt walking to his room. I call him over and put on a toktik of cannibal.

"We are going to memorize this and then make a video of us." I say and Matt agrees, knowing he can't refuse. I play the tutorial for the dance and we practice it together. Despite the fact that Matt looks fairly masculine, he moves very feminely. After about 30 minutes, we do it all together without the tutorial. I start the video and call Edd and Tom over without Matt knowing. We start the dance and I sing along.

"I'll eat you up. Whenever you tell me I'm pretty, that's when the hunger really hits me. Your little heart goes pitter patter. I want your liver on a platter. Use your finger to stir my tea. And for dessert I'll suck your teeth." I say quickly and stop the video at the end. I look to see Edd a blushing mess and Tom blushing quite a bit, nothing compared to Edd, though. I post the video after I add the sound in.

Tom x Female Reader x Tord Highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now