Chapter 3

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(Edd POV)

Before she starts the song she says, "If you do not do what you are told to do, when you are told to do it, you will be punished, do you understand!?" Tom smiles excitedly.

"Aye sir!" He says

"If you leave my base without proper authorization, I will hunt you down, and throw your ass in jail, do you understand!?" (Y/n) questions.

"Aye sir!" Tom shouts again.

"I can't hear you!" She yells.

"Aye sir!" Tom repeats.

"Scream it!"

"Aye sir!" Tom nearly screams.

"Your ass belongs to me now!" She says and she starts the song.

"Aye sir!" Tom says one final time before she starts playing.

Everyone is in awe, even Matt, and especially Tord and Tom. She nods her head and taps her foot while playing.

"Love. It will get you nowhere. You are on your own, lost in the wild. So come to me now. I could use someone like you. Someone who'd kill, on my command. And ask no questions." She sings almost sternfully.

"I'm gonna make you- I'm gonna break you- I'm gonna make you-" Tom sings. It sounds like Tom is making his throat and voice hurt during this.

"A FUCKING PSYCHO!" (Y/n) and Tom screech/sing together. (Y/n) continues playing. "A FUCKING PSYCHO!"

"Ha ha! A fucking psycho!" Tom says.

"Your ass belongs to me, now." She plays a few cords. "Are you a human drone!?"

"Aye sir!"

"Are you a killing machine!?"

"Aye sir!"

"I'm in control, motherfucker, do you understand!?"

"Aye sir!"

"Your mind is just a program. And I'm the virus. I'm changing the station. I'll improve your thresholds. I'll turn you into a super drone."

"A super drone!" Tom repeats her.

"And you will kill on my command. And I won't be responsible." They repeat the chorus again.

"Are you a psycho killer? Say 'I'm a psycho killer!'" She forces.

"I am a psycho killer!" Tom shouts.

"Scream it!"

"I am a psycho killer!" Tom screams.

"Show me your war face!" (Y/n) commands. Tom screams. "You are a pussy! I said show me your war face!" Tom screams again. She nods and he takes a breath. "I'm gonna make you- I'm gonna break you- I'm gonna make you- A FUCKING PSYCHO!" She plays again. "A fucking psycho!" And takes another moment to catch her breath.

"A fucking psycho!" Tom jumps in.

"Your ass belongs to me, now." She pauses for a couple seconds. "Your ass belongs to me now! Your ass belongs to me now! Oohh!" The song ends and she takes a few moments to breathe. The crowd has gotten bigger than when Tom was playing at the other game. Everyone applauds and a few people even whistle. (Y/n) was amazing. Am I in love with her?

Time skip

(Tom POV)

'Well that was fucking awesome' I think. We left to go looking at animals after we felt bored of games and showing off. Edd found a kitten he said looks like the one in his dream.

"Ringo," I say and the cat meows. "I think it already knows the name. Want it?" Edd nods his head pleadingly. I take it out of the cage and hand it to Edd, after finding out it's a girl. "She's very soft. Don't let her fall." He nods his head again. I continue browsing. I notice (y/n) looking inside one specific cage. The cat inside is on it's side and is still. Too still, it's chest isn't even rising and falling.

"Go look at more, I will tell the worker." I order. She looks confused and I realize she didn't know. Still, she walks away, looking into each cage long enough to see the cats inside. I call a worker over and tell them, then they take the cat out of the cage and bring them to the back room. I look down mournfully knowing what will happen to it. I catch up with (y/n) and she's staring intently into another cage.

"Twins," she says without looking away. "They are twins." I look into the cage and see two young kittens cuddled up together. One is a fawn color and the other is a brown speckled-ish color. I slowly nod, as if I am listening to music, although I still have those songs stuck in my head.

"Do you want them?" I ask suddenly. 'Why did I ask that!? I'm already paying for Edd's cat.' She looks up at me. Then back at the kittens.

"Of course I do, but I can't take care of two. And I can't separate them. Who knows what they've gone through." (Y/n) says.

"I can take the other." 'Fuck!' I see her smile.



"Oh thank you thank you thank you!" She says graciously.

"What do you want to name yours? And which one do you want?" I ask.

"The lighter fur one, it reminds me of you!" She laughs and I can't stop myself from chuckling. "And depending on the gender, either Tamara or Virgil. Those are my favorite names. I hope it's a girl." I take the fawn colored one out of the cage gently.

"It's your lucky day. It's a girl!" I hand her to (y/n) and pull the other out to check the sex. It's a boy. "Now, what to name you?" The kitten hisses quietly and I bring him and (y/n) to the front desk. Edd is there with Ringo. Of course.

"You don't have to pay for her, Tord already took care of it." I nod and smile at Tord. Before I look away, I catch his face turn pink. 'Weird.' I think.

I pay for the young kittens along with toys, food and two small beds. We all leave the shelter and I notice Tord got his own animal, although I'm not sure what kind. It can't be a dog, Matt is allergic to dogs.

"Thanks again, Tom." (Y/n) says.

"Of course. By the way, the school lets in pets for some reason. So, when they get older, we can take our cats. I don't think they are old enough yet, even to be without their mother." I reply.

"That reminds me, what did you name your kitten?" She asks me.

"Well you remember how I was kinda into superheroes when I was younger?" She nods. "My favorite was the Arrow, and his secret identity is Oliver Queen. So I named him Oliver. My little bud is Oli." She looks at me and it seems she has stars in her eyes.

"Ollie! Short for Oliver. O-L-L-I-E." She bursts out.

"Not quite. O-L-I. Less letters and cuter." I explain. "His whole name is Oliver Roman Ridgewood." (Y/n) looks shocked.

"You give animals a middle name too?" I nod. "I named mine Tamara Meliah Rosa (l/n last name)." I nod.

"Not bad."

"Why thank you~"

Tom x Female Reader x Tord Highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now