Chapter 4

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(Tord POV)

'Ugh why why why!? I get that he's thankful I paid for Ringo, but why did he smile? It was so hot- wait nonononono I can't fall in fucking love with my enemy. No matter how... Perfect his skin is or beautiful his eyes are or the way his hair stands up like it's defying gravity... NO I must shake away these feelings. I am twenty-two and he is just eighteen. This is illegal... I think. Is it? I mean, it works out in my hentai... Speaking of, I should read some. Distract myself from this shit.' I think as I head over to my closet. I see a cage. 'Oh yeah. I forgot about that.' I walk to the cage and let my new pet smell me before letting it out. I'm not all that sure what it looks like because the store owner doesn't want to get caught with a wild animal in the shelter. I unlock the cage and step a few feet away. A large dark paw enters the light and pauses right above the floor of my room. It pushes down and feels the floor. I walk over to the door and lock it. I can't be too cautious with a wild animal and four roommates, can I?

"Kom hit, kom til meg, ville dyr." I say. (It means 'Come here, come to me, wild animal.') I know it's rude to call something- er, someone a wild animal, but I don't know what it is. The shelter owner never told me. A black snout poked out of the cage with a muzzle on. I can feel my heart drop and my guard raise. I can't let my guard down with an animal. Animals are unpredictable. I must be ready. In a swift motion, the animal fully escapes the cage and starts sniffing my room. I can now see it's a young-ish black wolf with a splotch of tan on its left eye. Scratches are all over it's body. I leave my room and go to the kitchen, looking for any raw meat. I find a steak. 'How convenient.' I carry it to my room but (y/n) catches me.

"What's the raw steak for?" She asks.

"Uh..." I mutter. 'Think of something! Think!' "Experiment. Don't go in my room. It's a surprise." 'That's believable, right?' I think to myself. She looks surprised skeptical but nods and walks off. I let out a huge sigh of relief as I walk inside my room. Inside is the wolf on my bed, sniffing as it slowly lays down. Its ears perk up and it turns its head. I can see its nose twitch, smelling the meat. I pat my right leg and call for it.

"Ulv, kom." I speak in a stern voice. (Ulv means wolf.) The wolf quietly leaps off my bed and cautiously walks toward me. "Ulv, sitt." It sits. 'So it knows Norwegian... Does it know English?' I think. "Wolf, lay." I say. The wolf tilts its head. 'Only Norwegian? They couldn't possibly have known I was coming and only taught it Norwegian, could they? Nah. No one knows I'm Red Leader, and if they do, they are dead. Except my friends of course.' I assure myself. "Fang, ulv." I say to it. The wolf transitions to a beg position. I toss the steak and the wolf catches it. I can now tell that the wolf is a female. But what would I name her? (You guys can make suggestions and I will look at them. Please makes real names and not some stupid ones. I will laugh at those, though...) The wolf went to a corner and curled up. I take a brown, dirt-ish colored blanket from my closet and pick up my wolf. I set the blanket down and put the wolf down on it. She takes a liking to it and I bring an old hoodie to the bed for her. Then I take a small thing from everyone's room so it has their scent on it but they won't notice it gone and put it near the bed. I start to hum as I go to my dresser and pull out clothes. When I stop, wolf makes a small sound. I continue and she quiets down.

"Ulv, du liker denne sangen, ja?" (Wolf, you like this song, yes?) I ask. She quietly yips. "Ulv, vil du høre meg synge det?" (Wolf, do you want to hear me sing it?) I ask again. She repeats the yip. I chuckle and sigh. 'Maybe I can get her to do the other part. The calling...' I think.

"Ulv, gjenta etter meg." (Wolf repeat after me.) She nods. 'She really understands me. I wonder how...' I think. I make a high pitched sound like the one in the song. I go slightly lower but still high, then almost as high noted as the first and go back to the second pitch. I make a signal to let her know she can repeat me now. My wolf makes a quiet howl, repeating the sound I made. I make sure she has it down before I start the song. I wait a few seconds before having her make the sound again.

"Jeg har hørt deg her i kveld. (I've heard you here tonight.)
Det lukter trøbbel, det vet jeg vel. (I smell trouble, I know right.)
Det er tusen grunner til å leve slik som før. (There's a thousand reasons to live like before.)
Velge bort din hvisking, den som bare gjør meg ør. (To ignore your whispering, that only makes me dizzy.)

Din fjerne røst er som et ekko, ikke mer. (Your faraway voice is like an echo, nothing more.)
Om den var ekte, vakke det, den lokkelyd du sprer. (Even if it was real, and it's not, the mesmerizing chant you're spreading.)"

I sing out and I could tell that others were listening, but I pay no attention to them. If I stop then they would know that I know they are there, and wolf would be suspicious. I continue the Norwegian version of 'Into The Unknown' and make the signal for wolf to do the calling parts. When the song ends, wolf curls up on the blanket again and seems to drift off to sleep. I quietly step toward the door and quickly but still quietly swing the door open. Not open enough for them to see wolf, but enough for them to see me and vice versa.

"What are you doing?"

Tom x Female Reader x Tord Highschool auWhere stories live. Discover now