Twenty Four: Yunmeng Part One

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Koi Tower, Lanling

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Koi Tower, Lanling

Lan Wangji watches Lan Sizhui from a distance. It has been three days since his son has woken up from his injury where he remained unconscious for the past two days. The very first thing Lan Sizhui inquired was whether Jin Ling had recovered or not, Lan Wangji was apprehensive at first seeing how his son looked so anxious and when his fear was confirmed, he grew even more upset. That same day, he took it upon himself to reflect on his misdemeanor and kneeled in front of the lotus pond outside of Jinxilian, Jin Ling's quarter.

Nobody was able to make him move since, even Lan Wangji himself or Wei Wuxian. Day and night, for three days straight, the poor boy stayed there firmly. He has not touched any food handed to him either. It was his punishment that neither his parents nor his seniors would want him to take. Whatever happened in that cave is none of his fault, but towards Lan Sizhui, induced by a demonic influence or not, Jin Ling lying there unconscious was all on him. If only he had been stronger both his soul and mind, he could have resisted the beast.


Lan Wangji eyed his older brother who stood beside him, "Hm, Xiongzhang?"

"Looking at Sizhui like that, I'm really convinced he might have taken after your stubbornness," Lan Xichen commented.

"He does not need to do this." Lan Wangji responded.

"Wangji," Lan Xichen said in a serious voice, "I need to tell you something."


Back in Lan Xichen's chamber, the brothers resumed conversing. Lan Xichen handed Lan Wangji a worn-out book, opening a certain page that showed the beast that did it all. Lan Xichen started, "It has information about any known description of yayu."

"Where did you get this one, Xiongzhang?"

"Difu gave it to me. He said it was from Mo Xuanyu's old chamber."

Lan Wangji nodded. He remembered that his husband mentioned the room next to theirs is indeed the late Mo Xuanyu's chamber and it held so many materials, everything about the Jins and the mythical places that may or may not exist. But since Lan Wangji had been so busy during their stay in Koi Tower while the Sect Summit was happening, he didn't get a chance to see the room for himself. They left Koi Tower as soon as the Sect Summit was done. "I see."

"After we located the true form of yayu, we determined that the beast is no bigger than any low-level beast. We then understood that in order to devour its victim, it relied solely upon its demonic power of inducing its victim to a dream-like hallucination as soon as the victim hears its child-like cries. While the victim falls into its influence, the victim usually self-inflict injuries and grow weak enough for it to successfully devour them."

Lan Wangji nodded, taking the new information in then he added, "It is no different than any other beasts of this kind. Is it alright to assume that Xiongzhang had discovered something more in detail about the characteristic  of the hallucination itself?"

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