She-ra Incorrect Quotes

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I... I got bored.. lmao I don't know what this is...


Bow: How's your headache? 

Glimmer: It comes and goes.

Catra: (pulling up to Brightmoon with the Horde)

Glimmer: Oh look, its back again.


Bow: So how'd the date with Catra go?

Adora: It was great until I tried to compliment her, I wanted to say, 'You have the most beautiful smile and your eyes are gorgeous.'

Glimmer: What happened?

Adora: She smiled at me and I panicked and then I said, 'You have eyes.'


Adora: *glancing between a dry bowl of cereal and a coffee pot* What if I poured coffee in my cereal instead of milk?

Glimmer: *teleporting into existence and taking the coffee pot* What if you didn't??


Catra: Nobody loves me.

Adora: .....Are you sure?

Catra: Yes I am-

Adora: *pointing to herself* ArE yOu ReAlLy SuRe??


*Phone rings*

Mermista: Hello?

Killer: I see you.

Mermista: ...

Killer: ...

Mermista: Do I look good?


Catra and Glimmer: *Fighting in a diner*

Adora: Can I get a waffle?

Catra and Glimmer: *Starts slamming each other on the counter*

Adora: CaN i PlEaSe GeT a WaFfLe?


Catra: So, who broke it?

Catra: I'm not mad, I just wanna know...

Adora: I did it I-

Catra: No, no you didn't. Bow?

Bow: Don't look at me! Look at Glimmer!

Glimmer: What!? I didn't break it!

Bow: Strange, how'd you know it was even broken?

Glimmer: Because it's right in front of us and it's broken!

Bow: Suspicious. 

Glimmer: No it's not!

Mermista: Not to throw anyone under the bus or whatever but Perfuma was the last on to use it.

Perfuma: Liar! I don't drink that crap!

Mermista: Then why were you with it last?!

Perfuma: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles, everyone knows this Mermista!

Adora: Okay let's stop fighting, I broke it, I'll pay for it- 

Catra: No! Who broke it?!

*Dead silence*

Bow: Scorpia has been pretty quiet. 

Scorpia: REALLY?!

*Everyone breaks out into an argument with Adora trying to defuse the situation while Catra silently slips out of the room*

Catra: I did it, I broke it. It burned my hand so I punched it... I suspect in ten minutes they'll be at each others throats..good, it was starting to get chummy in there.


Bow: Why is Adora curled up in a ball and crying?

Glimmer: She accidentally drinked some of my mothers drink and now she's drunk...

Bow: Then explain the crying...

Glimmer: She overheard that Catra has a girlfriend...

Bow: ....But isn't Catra Adora's girlfriend?

Glimmer: I KNOW!!


Adora: Love is dead and never existed, all you did was betray me as I lay sick and festering, you are the literal definition of dread....

Glimmer: You okay?

Adora: No.... Catra stole my cupcake....


Catra: *Yawns*

Adora: Being pretty must be tiring.

Catra: Then you must be exhausted.

Adora: *Blushing like crazy*

Sea Hawk: *Spying on them from afar and taking notes* Man she's good!


Beyoncé: *music starts playing* Bring the beat in!

Bow: *Running down the hall with a beet* ANYTHING FOR YOU BEYONCÉ!!


Glimmer: I can't believe we lost Catra in this hectic crowd.

Bow: Adora's gonna be so mad, what do we do?


Catra : *Jumping on a random strangers shoulder's to look over the crowd* WHO THE FUCK IS FLIRTING WITH MY GIRLFRIEND, THEY HAVE A FUCKING DEATH WISH!!

Glimmer: ... Found her.


Enjoy whatever the hell I just made lmao

Stay safe everyone!

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