Chapter 1

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There he is, pacing around the room. Whispering his small conversations. He reenacts everything going on around him.

Some compare his habits to an addiction. The only difference being that he can't control when he's high and that he never runs out if pills.

At first his world might seem like a paradise, able to undo any mistake, few things wrong with the world, and everyone is happy.

But every Rose has thorns.

While this perfect paradise might seem ideal, it comes at a heavy cost.

Because of this condition his reputation and overall health seems to be failing. This paradise is making the real world a living hell, only making the fantasy even more enticing.

While this perfect paradise might seem ideal, it comes at a heavy cost.

Because of this condition his reputation and overall health seems to be failing. This paradise is making the real world a living hell, only making the fantasy even more enticing.

Sometimes he wanted to scream. Call for help. Do anything. But instead he listens to the call and returns to his paradise.

He's afraid. Afraid of what they'll think of him if he tells them his secrets. What will they do when they see the stories he's made?

What if they compare him to his father?

"Germany?" A voice asked as they knocked on the door. The man flinched as he was swung back into the real world.

"J-Ja?" He responded to his cousin, Austria. He already missed the feeling of the warm sun on his skin as he walked through the wooded area.

"You want anything for dinner? I noticed you skipped lunch." The red and white flagged country said. Germany though for a moment and looked over at the time. He jolted in surprise as he saw it was 5:23. He had been pacing and daydreaming for almost 3 hours without a break.

"U-umm sure, what are we going to have?" He asked, removing his rectangular glasses and rubbing his tired eyes.

"Eh I'm not in the mood to really cook anything too fancy so how does ramen sound?" Austria asked.

"Okay sure." Germany said, walking over to his desk where his homework lay untouched.

"Okay, I'll go start it and call you down when it's ready." Austria said before leaving. Germany groaned as he rubbed his temples. At this point he considered himself a slave to his own mind.

He never told anyone in the real world of his condition, he would just say that he was busy working. So he earned the name of always working. He never wanted to tell anyone from the real world about this hell he was living in, afraid of how they'd react. What would they do if they saw him daydreaming? He knew that it looked a little odd to have someone just pacing around a room whispering things to themself for hours on end. So he kept quiet, hiding his struggles by a mask if I'm just tired.

Whenever Germany looked up how to try and lessen his daydreams it seemed like all people said was avoid triggers.This would only make him more frustrated, as it probably does many other maladaptive daydreamers. How was he supposed to avoid triggers if everything is a trigger?

Germany groaned as he realized he was getting distracted again. He sighed and sat down at the desk and started to work on his homework that he had procrastinated on.

Okay Germany, you can do this. Just focus.

— — — — —

Okay, I know. A super short first chapter. I promise that most chapters will be something double this length.

I just want to say that this book is meant to bring more awareness to a condition called maladaptive daydreaming. I'm not very good ad describing it so I'll let you go google it yourself. Either way it's a serious condition that can really screw someone's life up if given the chance.

Also! Book 2 of Shades will be out sometime. Idk how soon, but sometime. I'll need to figure out a schedule for these two books. I dunno, part of me is tempted to wait until school ends (2 weeks) to start writing Shades Book 2 but knowing me & that I seem to be unable to stop writing sometimes, I could very well be halfway done with this book.

Eh, who knows. I'll get it figured out eventually.

Stay safe & Have a lovely day because you deserve it.  :)

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