Chapter 8

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Hey! Okay before you start reading... (gif above by me c:  )

I just decided I wanted to put out a chapter today because it's June 1st so Happy Pride Month! Woo! No matter what you are valid! Even if you don't know what your sexuality or gender is! You are valid & don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

Okay on to the story.

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Germany waited a few moments as he called Ame, quietly waiting for the other to respond. Eventually the American picked up.

"Sup Ger?" He said before yawning.

"Hey, also did I wake you up?" The man asked.

"Eh kinda, I was sleeping in today but it was probably a good thing you woke me up, otherwise I would have slept in until 2pm or something." He said before yelling out another yawn. Germany chuckled lightly.

"You were right." Germany said bluntly. Ame was confused and had no idea what his younger brother was talking about but decided to just play it off.

"Well of course I'm right. I'm the almighty United States of America! I'm always right." He said proudly. Germany rolled his eyes.

"No dingus. You were right about me having a crush on Poland." Germany said shyly, his face turning a bright red. He could hear Ame squealing on the other end.

"I told you~!" He said with a smirk on his face, even though Germany couldn't see it.

"Ugh, Ame! Just tell me what to do before you get me even more gay!" Germany exclaimed half jokingly. Ame sighed.

"Fine Mr. Bossy pants." Germany rolled his eyes at the name. "Maybe try and hang out with him more. Get to know him better, then when you get really close bring him into a kiss! Or wait....are you a top or a bottom-"

"Ame!" Germany yelled, not even caring if he just murdered his brother's eardrums. He could hear Ame snickering.

"What!? It's an important question." He argued. Germany slapped his forehead and groaned.

"I'm an f-ing virgin!" He whisper yelled, face bright red. Ame was silent for a moment.

"Oh yeaaaaahhhh. I forgot, sorry. Who's taller you or him?" He asked.


"Okay then I'll assume your top. But after your first time I want to know!"

"Ame! You can't just ask someone about their sex life! It's weird." Ame was quiet for a moment.

"Do I look normal to you?" He asked, sounding slightly annoyed. Germany rolled his eyes.

"No, not really actually."

"Good! 'Cause I ain't!" He said Germany sighed.

"Ame, please just tell me what to do." He whined.

"I did tell you Ger! Try to get closer to him, just take it slow and be chill about it. No worries!" Ame said. Germany just sighed and took a deep breath.

"Okay, I think I just need some time to think about it" He said. Germany could feel it in his stomach. His 'addiction'. His need to be lost in a fantasy.

"So are you going to ignore what I just told you?" Ame said in a monotone voice.

"No, I just need time to think."

"Okay, Cya Ger."

"Bye Ame." He said before hanging up. Germany was frustrated, he wasn't sure he really liked having a crush. Or maybe he just had too much on his mind at the moment.

One thing that people often miss about maladaptive daydreams is how mature the daydreams are. Not all of them are happy worlds. Some are rather violent. They may contain, murder, suicide, genocide, rape, and many more things that probably aren't good to be thinking about all the time. That was another reason Germany felt he couldn't tell anyone about this. Knowing his father, what would people think of him then?

He quickly brushed the thought away and grabbed his Bluetooth headphones and pulled out his phone. He scrolled through for a little while till he found a story he wanted to think about. It was kinda like watching a movie.

For him, the song was told from the point of view of the main character, a girl named Heather. For the most part the song is her directing her feelings to her family and friends about her wanting to commit suicide.

A year earlier she'd been diagnosed with CHF, or Congestive Heart Failure, which is a terminal illness. Of course the song didn't cover the whole story. It started when Heather was getting ice cream at a local parlor with her sister Mary, and her mother. Her father died in a car crash when she was 4 and when Mary was 2.

After she was diagnosed her family moved to Cleveland, Ohio to get better treatment. There she spent most of her summer in her hospital bed. She ended up meeting a kid named Zachary, Zach for short, who was the son of one of the doctors at the clinic. The two became good friends. Zach's mother had died when he was very young. The story continues as Heather and Zach get closer and Heather seems to get sadder and sadder as she knows she won't live to fulfill her dream of being an astronaut. About a year into being diagnosed she tries to commit suicide but is saved by her sister Mary before she can jump.

The next year she started going to normal school again, where she meets a girl named Abbey, who is blind. The two become good friends and the friend group is born. Heather, Zach, Abbey, Mary, and Aiden aka Abbey's little brother. Aiden is about the same age as Mary and they are in the same class. Sadly though, Heather has to go back to being confined to her hospital bed.

As time progresses the Make A Wish foundation visits Heather. She wishes that she could go to space or have a dog. She ends up being able to go onto a Zero G plane and her family adopts a brindle colored Belgian Malinois, which Heather name's Nova. Sadly a few months after the adoption of Nova Heather succumbs to her CHF.

Germany could feel tears falling down his cheeks as he watched all of Heather's friends and her family stand at her grave and place bouquets if flowers on it. That was the one thing he didn't like. Sometimes he hated the fact that the emotions of his characters could reflect onto him. He felt the same pain of losing a loved one.

Germany took a deep breath and brought himself back into reality. Sometimes it was hard to have that thought that 'none of this is real' but other times it was relieving. It was nice to know that Heather didn't have to suffer over those two years, but the sad thing was that there are so many people like her. Congestive Heart Failure is a real thing that people suffer and die from.

The man brushed the thoughts aside, he needed to be doing something else right now. He looked around his room and saw a sketchbook in the corner. Maybe that's what he could do. Look through an old sketchbook.

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Hmm, not as long as I'd like it to be but eh :/

Happy pride month guys, gals, & non-binary pals!


I wOnDeR wHo ThE sKeTcHbOoK bElOnGeS tO!

Tbh people are probably going to know at least one of the people that drew in it but it belonged to multiple people sooooooo.....   ._.

Okay well yeah,

Stay Safe & Have a lovely day because you deserve it.  :)

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