Chapter 4

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Germany ended up telling Ame about how he met Poland and how he knew who Poland was. He was quite embarrassed because he started crying. America ended up getting a flight over to where Germany lived and decided to stay for a few days and be there for his little brother.

One night Ame was texting Canada. It was some ungodly hour in the morning that no one should really be awake at, but there was a large time difference and it was in the name of his brother. He flinched as he heard the sound of a door open. Ame looked up from his phone and saw Germany emerge from his bedroom and look over at him. The two stared at each other for a moment, before Germany blinked and went back to making his way to the bathroom. After he was done doing his business he walked back out. Once again, the two made eye contact. Ame stared into Germany's tired, glossy eyes. He had poor posture and an exhausted expression. He sighed and walked back to his room, closing and locking the door behind him.

That was one thing he didn't understand about Germany. Why did he have to lock his door? He really only started locking it around the age of 12. It was also something he had almost turned into an art. As if he wanted to close and lock it so perfectly that it was just one fluid motion. He had basically succeeded. It was one fluid motion, he had managed to time it just perfectly that it sounded like the door had been closed but not locked. Ame would always hear him walking around, or at least that what he thought Germany was doing. He didn't understand why Germany was walking around, or if he wasn't what else he would be doing. Either way it never bothered him and he never questioned it. There was never a need to question it. It was just Germany, and that was that.

— — —

America walked with Germany to his first class, just chatting with him. Ger had insisted that America stay, but being the good ol' US of A, Ame did what he wanted. Some called him ignorant, he wasn't ignorant though. Ame was just determined. That was one thing that secretly haunted him. He was afraid he'd be judged. The stereotypes could be suffocating sometimes, but that was just because he was misunderstood. That was another thing that he liked about Germany. They were both severely misunderstood.

Sure, in very different ways. Germany was the child of the worst thing that had ever walked the earth. America on the other hand was often just seen as obnoxious, ignorant, and anything of those sorts. Both had very different struggles, but that's when they came to seek each other. When they were young that's what they noticed in each other. They were both very different, but similar. It was one of the main things that pulled them together, and one of the main things that kept their tight bond in tact.

"So, when does this class end?" Ame asked. Germany looked at him.

"It'll take about 45 minutes." He said, directing his attention back to where he was going so he wouldn't run into anything. Ame started to count on his fingers.

"Okay, welp I'll see you then." Ame said as he and Germany stopped and stood outside the door of Ger's next class. Germany tilted his head in confusion.

"What are you going to do in all that time?" He asked. Ame shrugged, even though he had an answer.

"You know I used to go to college here. I'll probably visit old teachers, stuff like that. I think a few buddies of mine actually graduated and started teaching here, so I'll have to stop and say hello to them." Ame explained. Germany smiled and nodded.

"Welp, I'll see you later." He said before turning and walking into his class. Ame waved.


— — —

Germany and America were once again talking, Ame telling Ger about all the reactions he got from all the people he visited. Germany giggled as he was told about one of the teachers that hated America. Though, the story was cut short as a familiar voice rand through the courtyard.

"Anon is that you!?" The voice yelled. Germany and America turned their heads, Germany then realized who it was.

"It's Poland." He mumbled to Ame before he put on a smile and walked over to the red and white country. Once again, he was sitting on the same benches with the same dead-inside people. Then Poland gasped as he saw America.

"Are you the United States of America!?" He yelled in excitement. Ame chuckled.

"I sure am, I hear your name is Poland." He said, holding his hand out for a proper greeting. The shorter country gladly shook his hand, a huge smile still on his face.

Ame was a bit of a celebrity. Not only because he was considered a global superpower but he was also an Instagram star. It was hard to have existed and not have heard the name at least once.

"Ohmygod, Ohmygod, Ohmygod! You're actually him! Holy cow I never thought I'd actually meet you in person one day!" Poland said, squealing. The rest of the gang looked pleasantly surprised, while Germany and Ame just stood there, waiting for Poland to calm down. After a few more moments if squealing, Poland finally asked.

" do you two know each other?" He asked, pointing at Ger and Ame. Ame smiled and wrapped his arm around Germany's shoulders.

"This guy is my little brother." He said proudly, Ger's cheeks going a little pink in embarrassment.

"Woah! Anon you never told me your related to a friggin celebrity!" Poland exclaimed. Germany rubbed his neck nervously.

"Heh, I guess I just never saw the need?" He said, a little uncertain. Poland shrugged.

"Eh I'm not mad, that's super cool though! Also, did I give you my number?" He said. Ame gave him a sideways glance as Ger's cheeks became a bright red.

"Uhmm, I-I uh...maybe? I don't remember sorry." He stammered. Poland smiled.

"That's okay, here." He said pulling out his phone and going into contacts.

"What's your number." He asked. Germany told him and he typed it into his phone, then sent a message to make sure that it was working. A little ding came from Germany's pocket.

"It works!" Germany said with a smile.

"Yay! Okay well, I won't bother you two anymore. You can get back to doing whatever celebrities and their brother's do." Poland said, giving a little wave. Germany smiled back and waved as he and Ame started to walk away.

"See ya 'round Anon!" Poland called as they got farther away.

"Bye Pol!" Germany called back. The two walked until they were definitely out of earshot.

"I think somebody has a crush~" Ame teased, Germany's cheeks became a bright red.

"Was!? Nein!" He said in his native tongue. Ame playfully punched Germany. [Translation: What!? No!]

"Oh you don't have to keep secrets from me. I'm your big bro! You can tell me anything!" Ame said, holding his arms out. Germany just shook his head.

"I don't like him like that Ame, he's just an acquaintance that may eventually become a friend of some sort." Germany said, pushing Ame away. Ame just groaned.

"Okay but don't come crawling to me when it dawns on you." He said, crossing his arms. He of course didn't mean it. Knowing Germany he probably would come crawling to America for advice and for help. Being the good brother that he is, Ame would tell him what to do and how to handle the situation. After all he had been in many relationships himself.

— — — — —

Heyyyyy I'm back from the dead....again.

Sorry for being gone, I explained it more on my profile page if you want to know. Sorry I'm just to lazy to put it here.

Also, I'm slightly convinced that I might have ADHD (inattentive type). Eh idk.


Would anyone be interested in a comic? It wouldn't be CH (sorry) or people at all, just dogs because I like drawing canids more than people and I think I'm better at drawing them than people. I put more info in my Art Book so PLEASE go check it out. 

Thank you so much for bearing with me! Stay Safe & Have a lovely day because you deserve it!

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