Chapter 9

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It was getting closer towards late December, which meant Christmaswas coming. It also meant that stores had been selling Christmas stuff for months already & the songs were getting slightly annoying.

Germany's Christmas was spent at Britain and France's house, along with the rest of the family. It was a very large celebration with many countries, at least they had a large house. Now that he thought about it, they had a huge family. There was all the British Isles, Britain & France's children, Spain (France's Brother) & his son Mexico, and Germany & Austria. Wow.

Poland, on the other hand, had really only ever celebrated Christmas with his friends and boyfriend. They'd spend Christmas Eve together then Christmas Day was just with Hungary. The young man sighed, he didn't really want to be alone on a day that was supposed to be spent with family. He had Vesper, but cats can't talk or give gifts. He grabbed his phone and dialed Germany, something he'd often do when he was lonely or bored.

"Hallo?" The familiar voice asked. Poland smiled.

"Hello Anon. How are you?" Poland asked. There was a sigh.

"I'm okay, very tired, but not too miserable." Germany answered. Poland nodded, forgetting his friend couldn't see him.

"I'm guessing you didn't sleep well last night?"

"Mhm, I Never do." The man said, making Poland frown. He wished his friend could just take some sleep pills, but alas, his suggestion was shit down. Something about them bothered his friend, but Poland couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"You seem sad Poland? What's wrong?"

"Hm? Oh no I'm good." Poland leid.

"Uh huh, sure. Now tell me what's bothering you?" He commanded. Poland huffed.

"You know me too well." He said before starting to explain.

"I'm just sad because of Christmas coming up. I've always spent Christmas Eve with Czechia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Hungary. Then Christmas Day with just Hungary. But how he's gone and I don't want to be alone on Christmas." Poland said, stroking Vesper, who had just crawled onto his lap.

"I could always ask if you could come over to our Christmas." Germany offered.

"No no no no-I wouldn't want to barge in on-" Before Poland could finish he was interrupted.

"I'm sure everyone would love to meet you! As long as you don't mind a bunch of people I'll ask to see if you can come."


"Yep! I just texted them, and because of time zones we probably won't get a reply until we're asleep."

"Okay." Poland said. "How many people even come to you Christmas?" He asked. Germany thought for a moment, deciding to just list everyone out loud, but he was interrupted by his phone dinging. He looked down to see that Britain had responded.

"One sec." He said, opening the text and asking why he'd gotten a response so fast.

<Sure! France and I would love to meet your new boyfriend!

One, he's not my boyfriend. Two, who told you he was my boyfriend. Three, thank you for letting him come. Four, shouldn't you be sleeping? Isn't it super early there?>

<Ame told us he was you boyfriend, so we probably shouldn't have listened to him. No problem, even if you aren't dating him you seem to care about him. Also, some imbecile forgot to do something at the office and it's been dumped on me. So yes, it is very early in the morning here, or late at night. I'm not sure anymore.

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