Chapter 2

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Picture above is Liesel. Yes it is a German Shepard, it's just a certain coat pattern called the "panda pattern"...or something like that. Idk, just look up "panda German Shepard", google will know what you mean.

Anyways, on with the story! Hope you enjoy.

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As usual, Germany was in his paradise as he walked through the hallway to one of his lectures. He wasn't paying much, or any attention for that matter, where he was going. He was basically on autopilot.

Poland was running down the hallway, he had to run all the way across campus to get to his next class. He heard someone call his name, probably his friend Slovenia. Poland didn't stop running, he only turned his head to look back to see his friend failing miserably to catch up to him. In hindsight it was a terrible idea to be running around and not looking where he was going. Sure enough, Poland ran right into someone. The two countries fell to the floor, landing in the awkward position if Poland straddling the country under him.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" He blurted out, pulling himself off of the country and held his hand out to help pull the country up. Germany looked up, a little stunned to say the least. He noticed Poland's hand and took it, Poland helped pull him up. Germany readjusted his glasses so they were no longer crooked.

"Are you okay!?" Poland exclaimed. Germany nodded.

"S-sorry." He stuttered. Poland was a little taken aback.

"What? Why are you sorry? I ran into you, not the other way around." Poland said, smiling in hopes to make the other country feel better. Finally Slovenia caught up to Poland.

"P-Poland, what the h-hell?" He huffed, grabbing his friend's shoulder for support. Slovenia looked up to see Germany.

"I ran into him, in case if you were wondering." Poland quickly explained.

"Oh, nice going. Well if you don't mind good sir, we need to get to class because this idiot decided to have his next class all the way on the other side of campus." Slovenia said. Poland rolled his eyes.

"Well technically you fall under that same idiot category because you have the same class." Poland retorted. Germany watched as they both bickered and started walking away.

"Cya 'round!" Poland yelled to Germany before turning back around and sprinting to his next class.

"Cya!" Germany called, but by now Poland was gone. He huffed and kept walking to his class.

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Germany walked on the dirt path. His trusty dog, Liesel, and his brother behind him. It was calming, the sun reached through the branches and leaves and would occasionally his his face. He could almost feel the warmth on his skin, hear the birds chirping and singing their sweet songs, feel the uneven ground under his shoes.

Germany blink as he realized he had gotten up and started pacing, getting lost in a daydream.

"Dammit." He whispered to himself as he looked over to his paper-filled desk on the other side of the room. He thought back, what was the trigger this time? Who knows, he didn't know really. He sighed as he though of the dream. Germany walked over to the other side of his bed and stared at the framed picture sitting on his bedside table.

In the picture we're two men in uniforms with two young children in their laps. The first man was much taller and his head a rectangular shape. The second one had a normal head shape, his flag was all red with a white dot in the middle. In the white dot was a black symbol the whole world knew and despised. The two young boys looked very similar, their flags the same other than the fact that they both had differing symbols in the center. Before he could realize what he was doing he was already up and pacing again.

It pained him when he realized what he was doing. He needed to be doing homework, he couldn't disappoint them. Germany could feel himself being torn, one side yanking him into the harsh reality that he needed to get his homework done and the other pleading him to stay in his haven, giving him a false sense of security. Now was one of the times he just wanted to scream at himself for being selfish, choosing fantasy over work.

In all honesty Germany was stressed, and he knew that. He knew that much if the paperwork on his desk was either due the next day or was due a few days ago. If he didn't do his work he'd be a failure, just like the rest of his family. Cast out and called a monster, selfish, insane. Sometimes it got to him. He would just stare at the clock, pleading and hopping for it to move slower. But it never did.

Other days he just wanted to give up completely. He hated that he was always torn. He was tearing himself apart. Be he never stopped. He couldn't stop. It felt like a constant spiral downwards into unending pain. He just wanted an end, maybe a light at the end of the tunnel.Once he got a shoelace and tied it around his neck. He pulled tighter and tighter until he realized what he was doing. He threw the shoelace across the room and just cried. He cried until he couldn't anymore.

Germany shivered as he thought about that. Sometimes he still felt that way. Much more often than he was willing to admit.

Germany took a deep breath and walked over to the desk, sitting down at the chair and looking at the papers. He sighed and grabbed his pen and got back to work.

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Germany groaned as he finished the last of his homework. He looked over at the little digital clock on his bedside table. 2:32 AM. Well that's just peachy. Germany got out of his chair and quickly changed out of his clothes and into a clean pair of boxers. He didn't bother to try and change into anything else, why would he? The only person he lived with was Austria, his cousin.

Germany crawled into bed, sadly it wasn't warm and comforting. The sheets were still cold, so he just lay there and wanted for his own body to warm up the covers. As he waited he thought back to the person he bumped into this morning.

What was his name again? I think the other country called him Poland? Yeah, something like that.Germany thought before he passed out.

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Hmm, a bit shorter than I would have liked. Sorry about that :/

I try to make these around 1,000 - 1,500 words. This one is only around 1,100-ish words. Eh, it's better than the last few chapters.

Also, I think I'm gonna be off break...maybe. Idk, school ends next Thursday. I can't imagine that we'll do too much before then, but still know that updates will probably be slow. I want to try and get my grades up before the year ends. On e it does, I can dedicate more time to wattpad & my stories! That'll be exiting. Calling it now, it'll take me about 3 days before I go insane from writing too much.

I'll probably make a vent & people will tell me to take a break & focus on my mental health. Then I'll tell them that writing is my escape, it's how I distract myself from all the terrible things going on in the world.

Ummmm, yyyeeeaaahhh. I had to present my STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math)  project today...that was stressful. But hey, I did better than I thought I would. I've been working on this project sense October-November-ish, so it was nice to finally get it off my plate., that's 7 or 8 months....damn.

Well anyways, as always,

Stay Safe & Have a lovely day because you deserve it.  :)

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