Chapter 7

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Poland blinked a few times, he looked around and realized that he wasn't in his room. Vesper let out a little meow. The red and white country smiled and picked up the cat in his arms and walked out of the room. He made his way down the stairs to find his friend passed out on the floor and someone else washing dishes in the sink. Vesper let out a little meow, making Austria turn his head and look at the smaller country standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"H-hello." Poland said, stroking Vesper in an attempt to calm down. Austria smiled.

"Hello, how did you sleep?" He asked, setting the plate down in the sink and drying his hands off with a towel before facing the Pol.

"I slept well, how about you?" Poland said, trying to be as polite as possible. The man nodded.

"I've never been a good sleeper but this time I'm much more well rested than usual, so I'd say I slept well." He sais with a smile. Poland gladly returned the smile before looking over to Germany, who was still just passed out on the floor.

"How do you know Anon? If you don't mind me asking." Poland said, star at his friend. Austria sighed and went back to cleaning the dishes.

"He and I are cousins. Blood related, unlike him and America." Austria said, quietly cleaning.

"Oh." Poland said. He started to think back to when he first found out that Anon and America were brothers. Had it been mentioned that it wasn't by blood?

"Is he adopted then?" Poland asked, slightly tilting his head.

"I guess you could say that." Austria responded.

"What is that supposed to mean." Poland asked. Austria paused for a moment, looking for the right words to say.

"It isn't my place to say honestly. He blames himself for so many things that he had no control over, so many awful things. It isn't his fault, but he can't seem to get that in his head." Austria said, resuming cleaning the plate.

"Hmm, He's different isn't he?" Poland said, still staring at the sleeping country. "I can feel it. There is something special about him."

"I would agree. He has secrets, that is for sure. But it is his choice whether he is willing to share them or not, I have no right to force it out if him." Austria said. It was quiet for a few moments.

"What's your name again?" Poland asked, looking away from the sleeping Anon/Germany over to Austria.

"My name is Austria, and if you are wondering, no. I'm not going to tell you his real name, that is his decision."

Darn it!Poland thought. Then again, that was a respectful thing to do of Austria. A good man.

"Is there a reason he doesn't want me to know his name?" Poland asked, looking back over to the sleeping Germany. Austria paused.

"Like I said, it's his decision. Also, please don't push him to tell you, it'll just be better if you don't." The man said, placing the clean plate off to the side to dry. Poland just sighed.


— — —

Germany shifted as he started to wake up. He could feel the cold hard wood floor under him, but there was also something sitting on his stomach too. He slowly opened his eyes, and there sitting on his stomach, was a tortoiseshell cat. He blinked a few times, it looked familiar but he was too tired to fully recognize it.

"H-Hello kitty." He said, reaching up and stroking the cat.

"Oh! Your finally awake!" A voice said happily. Germany lightly nudged the cat off of him as he sat up and rubbed his neck. Looking around he saw Poland smiling at him.

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