Chapter 6

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Hey I'm bored out of my mind so here's an extra chapter of Daydreamer that was supposed to come out tomorrow.

Edit: just wanted to add the little GIF I made above :)

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Poland sat on the couch in his living room, stroking Vesper. Hungary walked over to sit next to him, a cigarette in his mouth.

"C-could you not smoke in the house? Plus your ruining your lungs." Poland said, slightly annoyed.

"Okay fine, last one for today Okay baby?" He said walking closer to Poland.

"Hungary, we need to discuss something important." Poland said, tears starting to fall down his cheeks. Hungary noticed and squatted so that he was closer to Poland's level.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked, pouting his hand on Poland's cheek and wiping away the tears. Poland grabbed his hand and pulled it away.

"Don't call me baby." He said,looking down at Vesper. He couldn't bring himself to look at Hungary, he just couldn't. Hungary was just silent, he didn't know how to react.

"Hungary, I've been losing feelings for you for a long time, and I'm sorry. I-I think we should break up. You can find someone else, someone that will always love you no matter what." Poland said tears streaming down his cheeks. Hungary was stunned.

"P-Poland," he said, but the Pol just grabbed the cat and stood up.

"I'm sorry Hungary." He said and started walking towards the door.

"No Poland! Wait! Please! I still love you! Please don't go!" Hungary yelled, reaching his hands out, desperately wanting to keep Poland in his arms, but the shorter country was just walking out the door and into the rain.

"You'll Fine someone else Hungary." Poland said, opening up his car door and setting Vesper in the passenger's seat and climbing into the drivers seat. He was still crying.

"Poland no!" Hungary cried as Poland started to drive away.

Poland didn't even know why he was driving away. It was his house, not Hungary's. Where was he even going to go?

Poland grabbed his phone and dialed a number. The phone rang for a few moments and tight when Poland was going to give up and call someone else they answered.


— — —

Germany was panicking. Poland was coming over because something happened. What if he found out!? Austria rubbed Ger's back.

"It's okay, just take a deep breath. He's your friend, and if he's a real one he'll stay even after he finds out." Austria said. Germany still cling to his cousin like his life depended on it.

"But what if he doesn't? He's been through so many awful things and-" Germany was cut off.

"Germany. You aren't your father." Austria said in a serious tone. He pulled Germany away from him and looked him in the eye.

"You should also probably tell him your real name at some point, it'd be better he knows sooner rather than later." Germany sighed.

"Okay." He said Right before hearing the doorbell.

"Go quickly clean yourself up, I'll say you tripped while you were outside and you fell in the mud. Now go." Austria said, walking towards the door. Germany didn't have time to thank him, he bolted up the stairs and into the bathroom. He closed and locked the door and looked into the mirror.

Okay Ger, don't get distracted, don't daydream, just focus! Take deep breaths, um...uh...deep breaths!He talked himself through everything in his mind. Ger leaned over and splashed some water on his face.

Meanwhile, Austria opened the door to find a crying Poland holding a cat. Both looked a little surprised.

"I-I'm sorry, I think this is the wrong addre-" Poland started to say but was cut off by the slightly taller country.

"Are you Poland?" Austria asked, even though he knew exactly what Poland looked like.

"U-uhm yeah?" The shorter said, slightly shivering.

"He'll be down in a minute. He's cleaning himself because he slipped into some mud, but he should be almost done." Austria said calmly. "Would you like me to make something for you and the cat?" He offered. Poland sat at the small kitchen table, Vesper still in his arms.

"O-oh! Uh, I-I'm good. Maybe a bowl of water for Vesper, the cat, please." He said, still shaking and trying not to cry too much. Austria nodded and walked over towards the cabinets.

"P-Poland?" A voice said, defending the stairs. The Pol turned his head to see Germany standing at the bottom of the stairs. He smiled and set the cat down before running over and hugging the other.

"A-Anon, I-I-" by now Poland was balling his eyes out. Germany returned the hug and rubbed Poland's back in a comforting way.

"Shhh, it's okay. C'mere." Ger said, picking Poland up bridal style. He carried the smaller country up the stairs and set him on his bed. Lucky for Germany Poland didn't find it pervy or anything like that, all Germany wanted to do was find a place that was comfortable and private, and that happened to be his bedroom.

Poland clung to Germany, crying onto his chest. The man just sighed an drubbed the Pol's back comfortingly. The two sat like that for a while, a long while. Poland finally managed to stop crying.

"Do you want to talk about it? Or just sit here for a little while longer?" Germany asked, his voice was quiet. Poland took a deep breath.

"I-I think it'd be best if I just get it all out." He said, pulling away from Germany and wiping some tear from his eyes. He took a deep breath and started explaining.

— — —

Germany sighed as he looked to Poland, who was sleeping in his bed. The man had explained everything. How he had been losing feelings for Hungary, and how he broke up with the man and left. There was a small meow that broke the silence. Germany looked down to see Poland's cat Vesper staring up at him. Sure, Germany was much more of a dog person, but he didn't mind cats. He crouched down and started to stroke it, the cat started purring. Germany smiled and picked it up, he walked over to the sleeping Pol and set the cat down. He watched as Vesper curled up into a little ball and fell asleep next to the man.

So cute.Germany though to himself. Wait what!? Am I gay? No...yes?...shit, U've been hanging around Ame too much.

"Ger?" Austria said, standing in the doorway. The man turned around to face his older cousin. Austria chuckled lightly as the man's distraught face.

"What? You look like you just had an 'oh shit I'm gay' moment." The man joked. Germany just blinked.

"Wait...did you just have an 'oh shit I'm gay' moment?" Austria asked. Germany slowly nodded. Austria smiled.

"I blame America, not that there's anything wrong with him or being gay." Germany said, walking towards the older country to let Poland sleep in peace. Austria chuckled and closed the door behind them.

"Eh, I'm not gonna blame anyone for my sexuality. You enjoy yourself looking at that boy over there, I'll enjoy looking for the ladies." Austria joked, Germany smiled.

"Hey, do you want to sleep in my bed since he's in yours?" The man offered. Germany just shook his head, he wasn't tired, he just wanted time to daydream.

"I'm not tired, plus I don't mind staying up." He said, Austria just shrugged.

"Suit yourself, I'm going to be off to bed." He said over his shoulder before walking to his room and closing the door. Germany sighed.

Finally. He thought. Some nice, quality daydreaming time. He smiled, exited for whatever was going to happen next.

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The word count was 1234....hehe cool.

Anyways, uh...yeah.

I don't really know what to say I'm just really tired.

Stay Safe & Have a lovely day because you deserve it.

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