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Dakota's pov

I woke up in someone else's bed the next day. I don't remember much from last night, but my leg hurt really bad. Mom most be worried, so I reached for my phone, but I didn't feel it in my pocket.

"It's not in your pocket." Someone spoke up. I turned to were I heard the voice, and seen a figure by the window.

"Morning, I brought you here after you passed out from the wolf biting your leg. I cleaned it and changed your clothes."

The boy just continued to stare out the window.

"Where are my clothes then?" I asked him.  "In the washer with my shit. My dad's at work..." He replied. Whispering something under his breath. I glanced around the room.

His walls were a dark blue. The paint was fading. His sheets were a dark brown, and his mattress was old, and his springs creaked every time I moved. His carpet was filthy, and he had a night stand next to the bed with pill bottles, and an alarm clock. His closet doors where shut, and his bed room door had cracks on it.

I tried to sit up. "Careful, I'll take you home to your family when I get the chance. And understanding who you are, I'm guessing you want to get to school?" He finally tore his gaze away from the window, and looked at me. His dark brown eye looking straight at me.

"Actually, I think I'd rather go home now. My mother most be worried sick about me. Could I get my clothes and phone back?" The boy reached into his pocket and handed me my phone.

"The washer isn't finished, but if you want me to grab your things, I will."
I nodded for my things. He left the room, grabbing a key and shutting and locking the door behind him. I was confused. Am I being kidnapped? Was the first thing that came to my mind.

I heard the key enter the door, and the boy came in the room with my clothes.
"Why did you lock the door?" I asked, covering my mouth after.

He looked confused, which faded into angry, and depression. "Im sorry, I didn't mean to offend you!" I spat out.
"Don't be loud! My father's home..." he looked petrified.
He grabbed a glass of water and picked up a pill bottle and opened it.
He popped a pill into his mouth and chugged the water. "Hurry up and get your clothes into this bag, I'll distract my father as best as I can, I'll get him out of the house, but you have to stay in here! You can't leave the room no matter what you hear! Understand!?" He whisper shouted and shoved a trash bag at me. I was so confused, but I nodded my head and put my clothes in the bag like he said.

"Stay here...!" He left the room, locking the door behind him again.

Caleb's pov
I sped down the stairs and to my father's chair. "Hi dad! Want to play a board game? Or I could go get the cards and we can play poker?"
I was sweating. My father was drunk off his ass again, and I had no clue how to get him out of the house.
"Fuck no, who the hell wants to even speak to a queer? Your a disgrace to this family!" He spat at me. I nodded. "I know, it was worth a try. Hey, what if I told you that I'm not gay? I have a girlfriend!" I spat out. It was terrible to say, knowing that I don't even like girls that way.

Father glared at me. "I'll believe that when pigs fly, go get me another beer, and be fucking quick!" He threw his empty can at the wall. I sped to the kitchen to get him a beer bottle. I cracked open the cap off of the beer bottle and sped to the living room.

"Here dad! I got your beer!" I set it in his hand. I watched disgusted as he chugged the liquor. He reeked of alcohol, and his shirt was filthy.

The liquor was dripping down his chin. He  struggled to stand up. Smashing the bottle on the table. "Come here!" He slurred. I stepped closer to him, shaking as he raised the bottle and told me to turn around and take my shirt off. I obeyed him.

I felt the glass shutter against my back. I cried out when it did. There had to be glass shards in my back. I heard a lighter turn on.

My dad had taken flames to my skin before, he's let out a cigarette out in my skin before. So I was used to this. My skin melting and blood oozing out.

I fell to the floor, and blood started to pool on the floor beneath me. My father stumbled out of the house. "I'm leaving for the strip club! Get this fucking house clean!" He slurred and slammed the door shut.

I went to the down stairs bathroom and tried my best to get the glass shards out of my back. I got most of them and bent my arm as far back as I could to get the last shard. I got it out. I poured alcohol on my wounds to keep them clean and put on a dark shirt so if I bled it won't be noticable.

I went to the living room and cleaned the broken glass up, cutting my hands while doing so. I cleaned my hands and went to my room. Dakota was sitting up on the bed. "Y-you're gay?" Was the first thing he said. I looked away ashamed. "It's nothing. Let's get you home before my father gets back." I hurried over to his side helping him get up.

"Why are you helping me anyways?" Dakota asked. "Im not just all pissy. I can be helpful too ya know." I grabbed his bag of clothes and help him down the stairs and out of the house.

"Where do you live?" I asked. Dakota looked down the street, his eyes widened. "Isn't that were we got attacked last night?!" He asked. I nodded.

Dakota must've forgotten that he was hurt and tried to limp his way toward the street lamp. He fell over unsuccessfully. I helped him up.

"Forget that your hurt?" I asked. Dakota rolled his eyes. I helped him up and walked him to the street light. "Now which house?" I asked.
"The little blue one by the end of the street." We turned the corner and went towards the blue house. Dakota opened the door and he offered me inside.

"Momma! Im home!" He called. A  women with a messy bun, and a cooking apron came into the hallway by the door. "Oh Dakota! Where were you!?" She reached for her son.

"Don't worry mom, I'm ok. I stayed at his place." Dakota pointed at me. He smiled softly when I looked at him.

Dakota had me walk him to his room and shut the door. He looked pale and focused on a picture. I glanced at it.

"My father passed away." Dakota said softly. I looked at his face as tears crept in the corner of his eyes. "He... Fought for our freedom, and died while doing so..." He started shaking. I went towards him and hugged him.

"It's ok..." I whispered. Petting his hair down. He let me hug him, and we just stayed there for a good hour.

After he finished crying, I lifted the pants leg up to see how his leg was doing. It wasn't infected, but it looked like it needed cleaned. "You should wash this with soap and water." I said softly. Dakota tried to stand up. I helped him to the bathroom down the hall. "Are you going to tell your mother?" I looked at him worried.

Dakota took a minute to answer. "Eventually, yes."

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