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It's been 3 years and my mother died. I sat at her head stone and I left flowers, different colors each time I went there.

I cried every night and I went to school. I was now in college and every so often I'd wonder about Caleb, or my mom. The only person I still had was Brooke. Jaden went over seas for an organization for starving children around the world.

I stayed at an campus dorm and I looked for homes around town to live in.

I sat in my desk jotting down notes almost as fast as the teacher was and I went back fourth from classes and went to study in the library and from there I'd go to my dorm and do homework while my dorm mate would bring girls in to fuck.

He'd try to be quiet about it, but I was still uncomfortable. It was irritating and today when he brought a girl in I slammed my pencil on the table and I stormed out.

Some how I ended up laying on campus and watching the stars. It was calming and I thought about my mom and dad, and I thought about Caleb too.

Someone walked up to me and I looked up. Brooke stood above me and she started laying down too.

"Your roommate screwing again?" She asked. I nodded. "Yours?"  She nodded. We laid in silence.

"Ever think about Caleb?" She asked. She only got to talk to him once and then he disappeared.

"Always." Something feels off. I looked around and I seen a small blue light. Brooke sat up and stared at it too.

We both stayed put. Then it faded. It was gone just as fast as we seen it. We both walked back to our dorms after that. I reached my dorm and I could hear people whispering. I opened the door and shut it and just fell on my bed exhausted.

I woke up the next moring and got ready for class. Straight to class, I didn't even grab food. I studied for the test that we had and I was finished almost as soon as everyone had their own tests. I just laid back and started to draw.

The someone walked into the class. His dark brown hair half covered his eye patch. He look exhausted but still walked into class. Those brown eyes I'd know anywhere. I struggled to not scream for him, and I stayed seated.

After class I ran and had to force my self to keep cool. "Um, Hi, are you new?" I asked. He turned around.

"I am, do I know you?" He asked. I'm confused. "Oh, maybe from high school." I wanted to hug him.

"May I ask for your name?" I hesitated, I wanted it to be Caleb.

"Caleb." He answered. I cried, I couldn't stop, and I backed away. It is him, and he doesn't remember me...

I ran, I didn't stop when he asked what's wrong, I just ran. When I stopped running I fell to the hard gravel, I must have ran all the way to the road from the campus. I heard a vehicle horn go off. I stumbled to get up and I tried running out of the way, but I wasn't fast enough.

Everything went dark, I didn't feel the pain, but it was there. I fell in and out of consciousness.

Then there was nothing. Then I saw my mom, and my dad. They both hugged each other and they walked away from me, they were leaving me. Like they already did. Then I seen newspaper clippings, all saying "missing boy! Have you seen him?"

I felt the floor beneath me vanish. I fell, the void under me didn't seem to stop. Then I seen it. Caleb in the office, the first time I even seen him, then when I helped him with the wolf, to waking up in his bed, all the memories I had of him came rushing in circles, then they vanished.

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