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Dakota's pov
We all turn around and jump when Caleb started shaking. The nurse got on the phone and tried her best to get ahold of his parents. But nobody answered. I offered her to call for an ambulance and I called my mother to come with.

When we got to the hospital Caleb was starting to settle down from his seizure. The doctors started hooking him up to IV poles and just getting him what he needs. Caleb was an mystery for us all since no one knew anything about him but himself, and with him unconscious we can't try to help him.

My mom stayed at the hospital over night and Brooke came by to see how I was doing. Brooke is the typical blonde hair cheerleader. Icy blue eyes that could cut through the world almost. We started dating when her family moved here, and only to hide her sexuality. Her parents are homophobic, and Brook needed a reason to stop them from finding out. When she came by the hospital, her eyes were red and puffy and her mascara was running down her cheeks. I wiped her face off.

That night I offered her to stay at my place and she took the offer. My mom took us to the place and went back to the hospital to figure out more on Caleb. He was still unconscious when she got there.

Brooke and I talked for a bit. "Dakota," she started.
"Yes Brooke?" I glanced at her. She wasn't in her tight clothes when she normally comes over in, she was in one of my hoodies I gave her so she wouldn't be afraid about her parents, and some skinny jeans.
"Do... Do you have a crush on anyone?" She glanced at me and glanced back at the ceiling. We were laying on my bed staring at the ceiling.
"No, why?" I asked her, going from looking at her, to staring back up at the ceiling.

Brooke finally tore her full gaze off of the ceiling and lifted her weight on one shoulder and looked at me. "I seen how worried you were and the way you looked at that boy in the hospital. I've seen him around school, and everyone either bully's him, or avoids him. So how come your helping him out?" She looked confused and curious.

I looked at one of my crotches, it was laying on the floor. "He helped me, many times, so I returned the favor." I told her simply. "What about you and Jenna?" I asked her.

Brooke covered her face and blushed. "Jenna kissed my cheek today. We almost got caught when she did it, but the teacher walked passed us and didn't really see us doing anything." She had sparkles in her eyes. Jenna, my mom, and I are the only ones that know about Brooke's sexuality, and that's how it stayed.

Brooke fell asleep a while later and I took her phone and took a picture for her parents later. Setting it back on the bed side table. Not long after my mother called.

"Hey Dakota, Caleb woke up and he'll be coming home with me tonight since no one is coming to get him. I'm signing him out now. Is Brooke still there?"
"Alright, I hope he'll be ok here, and yes Brooke is still here. She's laying in my arms now, I can go get the guest room ready for Caleb if you want." I told her.
"Yes please, I'll be there soon. Love you!"
"Love you too mom, bye" I hung up the phone and I got up to get the guest room ready.

When my mom's car pulled up into the drive way I started to cry. The thought of Caleb and what happened today scared me. I cried quietly, but shook violently. I tried to calm down when they walked into the house but it only made it worse. Caleb was wrapped in bandages and he was set softly on the bed. As soon as he was comfortable I just hugged him.

My mom smiled, and walked out of the bedroom door and down the hall to the kitchen. She looked tired but she was going to cook something for Caleb. I just held onto him.

"Dakota, why are you crying?" He asked. I kept my grip on him. "You scared me Caleb! From all the cuts on your back to every last piece of class taken out of you! You scared me so bad today!" I shook even harder and my cries where getting louder.

I felt Caleb's arm wrap around me. He was hugging me back and I stopped crying. Drifting to sleep in his arms. It felt right.

Caleb's pov
I held Dakota when he fell asleep. Something about him sleeping felt nice. Maybe because I'm gay, but I felt like I needed to protect him.

I drifted to sleep holding Dakota. We both woke up the next morning cuddling closer to eachother then what where last night. Dakota was bright red and left the room.

After a few minutes I seen Brooke walk past the door. She stopped and walked into the room.

"Your Caleb, right?" She held her hand out. I shook it, not to be rude. "Yeah, and your the head cheerleader." I replied with. She sat down on the bed.

I've never seen her in sweats, and Dakota's hoodie before today, and I've never expected her to cry in front of me. She held her knees to her chest, and just cried. Digging her nails into her skin.

"Are you ok?" I asked, I was confused. "No." She said. I bent down and hugged her. "What's wrong? I know you probably don't want to tell me anything, but I'll try to help."

Brooke looked at me with her blue eyes. She looked to the floor. "How do you just... Come out of the closet?" She asked. I was shocked. "I... I don't know. I never came out if the closet by choice. I had... Problems when I did..." I trialed off. I could see in her eyes that she has more to say, but she didn't want to say it.

"You'll know the right time to speak up. Just have to be careful of your crowd, and don't tell people you think you can trust. Know you can trust them before you say anything." I explained.

Brooke and I talked for a while and we got to know eachother. After a while Dakota joined us and we all just got to know one another. Brooke has problems with her grades and her homophobic parents, and Dakota's father is deceased.

"What about you Caleb. What's your family like?" Brooke turned to me. I hesitated.

"My mother disappered when I was 10 and my father's abusive." Brooke and Dakota looked at me in pity. "Don't look at me like that. We all have problems and I'm not going to take pity from you two." They looked at eachother.

Brooke looked at her phone and said she had to leave. Dakota and I waved good bye and we walked her to the door. I decided I'd walk home too.

"Please, Caleb, be careful, and if he does anything come over. Please..." He looked worried. I hugged him. "Of course Dakota. I'll come over if he does anything." I sped home and reached for the door. I opened it and I heard voices and shuffling in the living room.

There was a loud crash and I heard my father scream.

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