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After all three of us where out of the portal the two men turned around.

"So, as you know, our names are Noah, and Quin, we are the highest level guards of the head council." The taller man spoke up.

Noah and Quin lead me through halls with portraits on the walls, all leading to a thick oak door with diamond handles. Noah knocked on the door softly and it opened itself for us to walk in.

The room had four desks. All formed in a circle, and behind the desks came four tall men with hoods like the two men standing by me, but they had writings on them, made if gold. The walls glitter like crystals, the color of the walls are dark blue.

The four men sat down. "State your name!" One spoke up.

"Caleb parker."
"What is your power, Caleb?"
"I don't fully know."
"Alright, Noah, Quinn, take him to the queen."

The conversation ended there and the men lead me back to the hallway and out of the building. Once we hit the streets my jaw dropped.

The grass was green, and there were trees. The mountains looked beautiful, and everything smelled great.

The little shops were all made with wood, and all sold or said something different.

After a few hours of walking, and stopping to buy some food, we all had arrived at the castle.

There were vines covering the castle and the double doors were made of silver. Quinn softly tapped the door, and a small maid opened the door. The maid looked from the two men, sparks of joy in his eyes. To me, he looked at me with curious eyes. His outfit fitted him perfectly, the fabric made with careful stitching.

The young boy pulled the door open farther and gestured us in. The title floor was checkered and the walls had golden portraits of a young women in them. The young girl had lovely long dark hair. Her lips a beautiful rosy color. She had beautiful green eyes, and her dress looked like it was stitched with golden thread.

I looked above us and there was a beautiful chandelier hanging above, candles softly glowing in their emerald candelabras.

The maid stopped in his tracks. Running his small hand threw his light brown hair. He looked towards me.

"Hello, my name is Benjamin, most people call me Ben, or Benny. What is your name foreigner?" He asked with a small voice, quite adorable honestly.

"My names Caleb." I told him. Benjamin nodded his head and gestured for us to follow him.

He lead us down an hallway and we stopped in front of a closed door. "The queen is busy, but also waiting for you three. Be quick." Benjamin informed.

Noah knocked on the door and the fair woman from the portrait opened the door. We all got settled in and we began the meeting.

The day after Brooke moved in my mom took her shopping. I was left home alone and I tired many times to send messages to Caleb, but he wasn't responding. I was a bit worried and I sat on my bed. I looked at the clock and it was 3:00 PM.

I got up and made myself a snack, still I had Caleb's face in mind. As my mind started to drift back to the sexual thoughts I had that night.

Again, my member got aroused and my mind started to trail farther and farther into my imagination, and I could feel my zipper about to bust as I could feel more and more aroused, it started to throb and I ached more and more for Caleb's touch on my member. My pants started to feel wet and I felt pleasure go through my body as I shook from the orgasm. I heard something hit the floor, and I looked down to see cum dripping to the floor. I cleaned up the mess, and I took a shower, leaving my clothes in the washer until I had enough clothes to start a load.

After I showered and finished cleaning the house I started cooking dinner. My mom and Brooke would be home anytime soon.

My mom and Brooke walked in the door. Brooke looked pale. She was holding my mom. I ran to her and grabbed my mom's hand and took her to her room. I held the bucket to her chest and she started to throw up.

"I'll call the ambulance." I reached for the phone and waited. I told the person on the other line what was going on. A few minutes later an ambulance showed up and I went with my mom. I told Brooke that dinner was on the stove.

I sat in the hospital room and the doctor came in. He his eyes met my mothers. She nodded.  He looked at me and he cleared his throat.

"Y... your mother has c... cancer..." I heard him choke on his own tears. I looked up and seen he wasn't lieing.

I shook. I fell to the ground. I felt tears crawl down my cheeks.

"H- how long?" I choked out.

The doctor cleared his throat. "At least  a month..." I shook more violently.

When we got home I took my mom to her bed and I went to mine. I was losing her. Like I lost dad. I sobbed. I was crushed. Brooke came into my room and we broke down and cried. We sobbed the whole night.

The next day I had our neighbors check on my mom hourly. I went to school.

Brooke and I went to our lockers and we walked to class in silence. The teacher noticed our puffy eyes. He didn't say anything.

"Has anyone seen Mr. Parker?" He asked. Looking around the room. I noticed that Calen wasn't here.

2 weeks passed and Caleb was gone, and my mother was getting worse. I didn't join practice, I didn't do my work, and I dropped out of the student body. My friends dont even hear from me.

I cried every night. I felt strained and I felt everything taken from me. I cried so much in two weeks then I have my whole life. I was heart broken and lost. I know I had to grow up sooner or later, and I'm practically an adult already, but I'm losing my mother and my own first true love has disappeared.

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