Page 11; /Smut\

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I drifted to sleep sometime last night. I dont know when. My head was filled to the brim with Dakota, a happy future, beautiful kids, so on and so fourth. But it ended as fast as it started.

I jolted awake from a nightmare, I couldn't describe it if I wanted. Dakota jolted awake at the same time. He rubbed his temple and flinched when I set my hand on his. He looked down and gave me a smile.

"Sorry baby, I didnt mean to flinch, the nightmare just scared me. You must've had the same nightmare." Dakota took his hand out from under mine and set it on top of my hand. I gave him a weak smile.

"How do you feel?" I asked. Dakota looked over my shoulder and looked back down. "Better." He smiled. He always smiled. Even if he was in pain. Dakotas hand shot up from my hand and his set it on his nose. Crimson started to stain his fingers.

I jumped up and grabbed him some tissues and he took them to his nose. "I dont know why this just happened. I'm sorry love." Another smile, this time weaker.

Couple hours pass by and I watch as the nurses enter the room to change the IV bag and fluff up his pillows. The doctor came in not long after the nurses left. "Hello boys, how is our patient today?" The doctor smiled and looked at Dakotas pulse, and checked his blood pressure. Dakota didn't answer and I didnt want to speak.

"Not talkative today? I see." The doctor spoke up. We kept to ourselves still.

The doctor checked everything that the nurses checked and made sure everything was going well.

"Well, I'm sure you'll be able to leave in a couple more days." The doctor told Dakota. Dakota nodded, and looked back at the window. They still couldn't find anything wrong with him, and it was getting annoying.

A couple days later and we brought Dakota home. I took him upstairs and laid him in bed. "Dakota... baby.. are you alright? You look pale and everything doesnt seem right." He didnt look at me.

I started to get pissed, he didnt talk to me much in the hospital, he hasnt even looked at me. And I know, its childish to even worry about. But FUCK JUST TALK WITH ME!!!

I got frustrated and grabbed his jaw. Probably a little to harshly and I climbed on top of him.

"TALK TO ME DAMNIT! I LOST YOU ONCE AND IM LOSSING YOU AGAIN, SO FOR THE LOVE OF FUCKING GOD TALK TO ME! I DONT CARE IF YOU TELL ME TO EVEN SHUT UP, JUST. TALK. TO. ME!" I shouted at him. Dakota didnt even flinch. I got off of him and walked out of the room. It took everything in me not to slam the door, and I ran outside. I went to the pond that I set up the date night with Dakota and everything seemed a little to dark.

I started to cry, shaking violently, and muffling my screaming sobs through my hands.

After a couple hours I just skipped rocks in the pond and I brought my knees up to my chest. I ended up falling asleep outside after.

I dont know how long I was out for, but when I woke up it was completely dark out. I ran my hand through my hair and tried to comb it back and get the grass and leaves out of it. I started my way back to the castle and when I got there everyone seemed to be in a panic.

Mom was sitting in the living room and she was reading something. A letter or something. "Hey mom..." I hesitated and she looked up from the paper to see who called for her.

"Hey sweetie, what's up?" She asked. I sat down next to her and she seen through the fake smile. "You've been crying." She stated.

I felt the tears weld up in my eyes and everything was crashing down all my emotions were surfacing and I couldn't stop them. Mom set her paper down and came to the couch and held me.

"Itll be ok, I promise." She held me closer to her. Lulling me back to sleep. After a while I felt her pick me up and set me in the guest bedroom. She didnt know what was going on but she knew I needed some time alone.

Nothing seemed right. After Caleb climbed on top of me, and yelled everything hazy after. He didnt shake me, he didnt try to hurt me, he didnt even slam the door. Everything was crazy.

I rolled to my side and stayed there. I eventually drifted to sleep. I would drift in and out of it the rest of the night, but I knew Caleb wanted to be alone. I couldn't speak, or move. I couldnt even get an erection to the fact he was on top of me.

I felt tears fall down my face and that was the last time that I was awake the rest of the night.

The next morning I woke up with morning erection and I ignored it. I went to the bathroom and lifted up the toilet lid and released, and when I went to relieve myself I ended up shivering instead. I gave up trying to fix the problem and pulled my pants up.

A few seconds later I heard the door open and shut. Caleb's footsteps went to his dresser and I really needed help with this.

"C-caleb..." I peaked out of the bathroom door. I gave the best pleasing face I could. Caleb glanced over to me and I my fingers just barely grazed over my member and I moaned, giving a cute face with it.

Caleb blushed a deep red and he looked worried. "I- I'm sorry." I whispered. "I... I need h-help." I opened the door a bit more and my member was visible through my pants. I glanced down at Caleb's member and his was starting to peek too.

We both stared and Caleb walked over to me. His fingers and grip felt better on me then my own. I let out a loud moan and this peeked even more interest in Caleb.

We looked into each others eyes and we both felt lustful. He kissed my neck and gripped my aroused member.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2021 ⏰

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