Chapter Five

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Saturday, December 21, 2 am

Great. When Grandmere demanded my presence this evening, I thought it would only last an hour or maybe two (not that I told Tina that, of course. Then she would probably insist that I still show my face at the carnival.), not that I would only come home at 2 am. Will I ever stop being such an optimist when it comes to Grandmere? When it comes to anything even remotely pertaining to her, being a pessimist is pure realism.

Does she think I am dumb or something? My behavior really isn't that bad that would require 6 hours of preaching.

Saturday, December 21, 2:30 am

The limo is picking me up in 5 hours – how am I supposed to pack AND get some sleep in 5 hours?

Grandmere is always going on and on about what being a princess means - well, is this how a princess is supposed to be treated?

And then I get yelled it for looking tired?

All this stress will give me pimples. Not even that crazy expensive cream the palace's dermatologist prescribed me can fight against this amount of stress.

How can I look pretty 24/7 on demand if Grandmere keeps sabotaging me?

Saturday, December 21, 3 am

I am too tired to even open my suitcase.

How am I supposed to pack?

I'm gonna drink some of that magic powder Lilly got me that is supposed to keep you awake. She'd know what works best; I mean, she has to maintain a high GPA AND film a weekly show.

Saturday, December 21, 3:20 am

This stuff is surprisingly good.

And I can totally pack now.

Though I am not entirely sure what's the point of packing, since Grandmere will mark every single piece of clothing I will bring with me to Genovia as 'inappropriate'.

I'm not saying that is a necessarily a bad thing. I mean, then she will ask Sebastiano to 'refresh' my wardrobe and he'll be totally happy to do that since he just adores creating stuff for me. And I'm telling you, his creations make my boobs look bigger and do wonders for my hips!

And then I'm surprised when she sabotages his own lines? He is too good to be let go of! If the world finds out what a fashion genius he is, every celebrity or a rich old byotch will try to steal him from us!

Saturday, December 21, 3:50 am

Mia, why don't you ever think ahead? Yeah, the magic powder packed everything – but I am not entirely sure it will help me sleep?

Great. I know exactly how these things work. Now I'll be super energized for a few hours and then I will literally fall into a coma for a few hours to regain my strength. Given my luck, that will happen right in the middle of Grandmere's fancy attempt to impress that banker.

Saturday, December 21, 4:30 am

**Great Things About This Year's Christmas In Genovia**

1. René will be there. Nothing is ever boring when René's around.

2. Sebastiano will be there and I will get a suitcase full of beautiful clothes to take home with me.

3. I'll see Dad for the first time since summer - he is now too busy with his campaign to come to New York regularly.

's delicious desserts.

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