Chapter Eight

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Tuesday, December 24, breakfast

I couldn't really write much yesterday since Dad took my diary away so that I would rest. Well, resting as much as you can rest when your crazy fashion designer cousin spends half the day by your side talking and planning new lines (just how many unfinished lines does he now have? Currently he wants to do one inspired by the seasons). When René sobered up, he too came. He apologized like crazy for letting me climb up the tree (I suspect Dad told him that he should say that. I think he actually found it quite funny. Well, it must have been fun, a princess wearing a long dress and high heels climbing up the tree ...) and asked if there was anything he could do for me.

And there was. I borrowed his phone to call Michael (since I still cannot find my phone. Not that I would be allowed to call him but ... still). I tried dialing his number at least twenty times but the number was not available. I guess he was on his flight back to New York.

Finally, I had to give up because the battery on René's phone died. He promised to let me borrow it again after he'd recharge it but since I doubt he knows where his recharger is, I don't think I'll get to call Michael today.


Isn't all this technology supposed to make communication easier? Well, calling your boyfriend in Japan when you're in Genovia is probably still as difficult as it was in the Middle Ages.

Tuesday, December 24, after breakfast

Vigo just stopped by to ask me how I am feeling (I am relieved of any princess duties for today. I am MARVELOUS) and to tell me someone left me a message at the palace.

My heart skipped a beat when he told me that, thinking for a second that it must have been Michael.

Then the sane part of my brain realized it couldn't be him since ... well, had he called me here, it would raise some suspicion. I mean, Grandmere has told pretty much anyone that I broke up with That Boy. Talk about being egocentric – everyone in the palace liked Michael when he came to visit two years ago. Numerous servants still ask me if my friend from New York is coming over during this holiday.

Anyway, it turned out the message was from Lilly. Apparently, she called on Sunday, but because of all the confusion that followed after I fell from that tree (seriously. Why is everyone making such a fuss about that?) the receptionists forgot to pass the message (who hired these people? Seriously? Oh, and whoever took the call wrote a note that the word 'freaking' is a replacement for 'a very bad word that starts with f' – what, do they think I am 6 or something? Or they did it because I usually swear in French?).

Here's what she said - Hey POG, I thought this might cheer you up since I know you think you have the worst Christmas out of everyone – it is freaking snowing here and it is freaking cold and in our building the freaking heating system freaking died so it means we are wearing the freaking coats all the time. Oh, and by the way, the snowstorms mean that all the incoming flights are cancelled until further notice meaning my brother can't come home for Christmas and since he was supposed to fly back already on the 26th because of some freaking conference in Tsukuba on the 27th (who the – has conferences during Christmas holidays? And don't you dare tell me that Japan because they have such a good work ethics!) there is a strong possibility that he is not coming to New York at all! Oh, and Tina says hi.

My heart breaks for her and all, but, seriously, at least she has WHITE CHRISTMAS! I am surrounded by palm trees! Yes, I do realize Christmas movies are basically a propaganda for shopping centers to sell lots of presents (have you ever seen a Christmas movie without a whole room of presents?), a cause for global warming to get even worse because according to Hollywood having a plastic tree equals being Grinch (WHAT IS WRONG WITH FAKE CHRISTMAS TREE? WHAT? You still get presents because it is not the tree that gives you presents but PEOPLE! How come no one realizes this?), an opportunity for mass clothing production to at least once per year beat fashion industry since fashion gurus appreciate themselves too much to sell ugly Christmas sweaters, a reason why electricians can afford a holiday on the Bahamas (imagine how much extra cash they get from all the Christmas lights) and, of course, an excuse for people to kill even more poor animals for meat, but – I MIGHT HAVE BEEN PROGRAMMED TO THINK THIS WAY BUT I STILL THINK HAVING A WHITE CHRISTMAS IS NICE!

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