Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Alright! Today, instead of just learning about the Imperius Curse, we'll be practicing resisting it."

Moody started his lesson off with insane energy, as usual. Most of the class was buzzing with excitement, but not me. This was old news, especially since Jackson and I finally succeeded last night.

"Johnson, you're up first."

I watched one classmate after another struggle to shake the curse. Some put up a good effort, others were completely steamrolled. When it came to my turn, I took a deep breath to focus as Moody cast the spell on me. I knew I could do this.

The fog hit me like a tsunami as Moody said "Imperius". Somehow this felt stronger, more powerful, than when Jackson cast it.

"Do a cartwheel."

My body started to move, but then another part of me wondered why. Why would I do a cartwheel in the middle of class? It didn't make sense! I didn't want to do a cartwheel. I was supposed to be doing something else...


I'm supposed to be resisiting!

I tried my best, but my body betrayed me. I got most of the way through a cartwheel before collapsing at the last minute instead of sticking the landing. Days of practicing with Jackson, and that was all the resistance I could manage.

"Not bad Stark! Any wizard would have a hard time controlling you. Weasley, next!"

I walked to the side of the classroom in a daze. My friends were clapping me on the back for doing well, but I was crushed. Why couldn't I break Moody's spell?

I spent the rest of class thinking it over, and eventually I came to the only explanation that made sense. Moody was a far more powerful and experienced wizard than me or Jackson, no doubt about that. His spell was harder to break because he was just flat out better at it. No amount of practice against each other could prepare me or Jackson for someone like Moody.

I had a free period after DADA, and as soon as the bell rang at the end of class, I sprinted towards the greenhouses. Slytherin had Herbology next, and after that DADA lesson I needed to talk to Jackson ASAP.

"Jackson!" I caught him just outside the greenhouses, walking with Adrian and Myrah. Just like after my first DADA lesson, he waved our friends on to class and waited for me to catch up to him.

"What's up Stark?"

"Moody had us practice breaking the Imperius Curse in class today."

"Ha. He's a little behind the curve, isn't he? Was he impressed?"

"No!" I said, shaking my head frantically. "Jackson, I couldn't shake it!"


"I couldn't shake the curse! Moody's a stronger wizard than either of us. We can resist somebody of our skill level trying to control us, but a more experienced wizard like Moody? No shot."

Jackson just nodded his head for a minute, not looking nearly as concerned as I thought he should. Finally, he spoke.

"Are you sure it wasn't just you?"

I stared at him in disbelief for a minute, not quite able to believe what I'd just heard.

"What do you mean, 'just me'?"

"I mean, are you sure you weren't just having an off day? That you don't just need a little more practice resisting the curse than you got last night?"

"Jackson—yes!" I yelled, not able to come up with a more coherent argument. I really shouldn't have been shocked; he was always like this. Still, not the response I was expecting.

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