Chapter Twenty-Six

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I managed to focus on my school work for the rest of the week, despite Cedric being a distraction every time I saw him in the hallways. My birthday was this Saturday too, which had me even more distracted and excited. Finally, it was Friday, and once my friends finally got out of class we all met down by the lake to hang out by the water while the weather was still nice enough.

I was laying on my back in the grass, the sun warming my face. I could hear the water of the lake lapping against the shore, and I felt totally at peace.


That didn't last long.

Just as I was starting to open my eyes, a massive bubble of water crashed down on top of me. I shot up, gasping and looking around wildly for the culprit. Of course it was the twins, standing at the edge of the lake and cackling at me.

"Oh you two are gonna get it!" I yelled, tearing across the grass towards the twins. They scattered, so I could only get to one of them. For now.

George was a few seconds slower, so I went for him first. I grabbed him around the waist and tackled him backwards into the water, pulling him under with me and making sure he got soaking wet. I popped up and found Fred, pointing an accusing finger at him.

"You're next!"

Fred, not being an idiot, ran for it. I came out of the lake like a rocket after him as he ducked and dove around our friends. I kept pace with him pretty well, but then he grabbed Cedric and shoved him in my way, the little cheater.

I crashed into Cedric, and we ended up chest to chest, our faces barely an inch apart. I smiled at him, and my heart started beating a little faster, but then I remembered Fred and the fact I'd been disturbed from relaxing by a massive bubble of water.

"Nice try," I said, leaning around Cedric and fixing Fred with a death stare. "Sorry Ced."

With that quick apology, I was off like Pietro after Fred. After another few seconds of failing to catch him, I decided I was making this way harder than it needed to be. I stopped and let Fred keep going, giving him a second before making a sling portal right in front of him. I dropped him a few feet into the lake, and that was it.

Fred popped up next to George, and I just stood on the shore grinning at them.

"Mess with me at your own risk!" I called, still smiling as I waved. Apparently getting dumped in the lake wasn't enough to deter them. They waved their hands around frantically, and I didn't understand why until Lee was suddenly dragging me towards the lake. I debated digging my heels in and resisting, but I decided it would be more fun if I just dragged other people in with me.

I grabbed Cedric as we passed him, and I nodded to Myrah. Cedric got the hint and roped her into our chain of people heading for the lake, and we all crashed-landed right next to the twins.

"Ah... hey, everybody else, get in here!"

Angelina and Alicia headed right over, but of course Jackson hesitated. To my surprise (and extreme delight), Adrian actually grabbed his arm and helped drag him in! Last year, Adrian would have been the one refusing to have fun without being forced into it, but now he was actually helping us!

I must have been rubbing off on him.

We stayed in the water for a while, relaxing and splashing a little, before we finally headed back inside. None of us wanted to miss dinner, and I for one couldn't wait to get to bed. When I woke up tomorrow, I'd be seventeen! Thanks to Hogwarts, a normally boring birthday between driving a car and being an adult had a whole new exciting milestone: as of tomorrow, I could officially do magic outside of Hogwarts.

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