Chapter 1: Camping Trip

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Back then at 1984, a group of friends were on their way to their campsite. Three females were talking about how wonderful the scenery would look like while the two males just observed their surroundings. Once they have arrived at their campsite and have settled their stuff inside the cabin. They prepared the campfire for the night. The campfire was ready and the five of them gathered around the campfire to tell campfire stories.

Once all of them have told their campfire story, one asked "Does anyone have more stories to tell?", One of them replied "That's all...but one", after that they ate dinner and went to bed to sleep.

In the morning, police sirens were heard. Four college students went missing, no one knows where they went or what happened to them.

The Present


Today's the day where me and my friends are going out camping at Hillside Lake. They say the scenery there is wonderful. "Hey Elliot, help us put these stuff in the car, can you?" Miss Clara said while carrying a bag in her hand "Well of course Miss Clara" I replied, "Why do you have to be so formal on calling our names?" she asked me while I carry one of the boxes "Well Miss Clara, I have been taught to be a gentleman back in my country" I answered, "It must be tea that made him that way" Dunce stated while he was already in the car. "His manners aren't the same like yours, but oh well, we just have to deal with it" Miss Clara spoke as she gave me the last bag we have. "Well at least it was nice of him to invite us" I remarked and closed the trunk of the car. "We're back with the food and snacks" Someone spoke behind me, I turned around to see Alfred along with Sumire. They were holding plastic bags that are full of food. "Ah we-" I was interrupted by Alfred giving me the plastic bag and went inside the car. I looked at Sumire and asked "Would you like for me to carry that?" she shook her head left to right, meaning she doesn't want help "Alright then, we must get in the car before they probably leave us here" I stated as Sumire nodded in agreement. The three of us got in the car and Alfred started the engine of the car, and off we go to Hillside Lake.


The road trip was awful due to Dunce's loudness, I looked at Sumire and she has her earphones on her ears. I tapped her shoulder and gestured that if I could listen to what she is listening at the moment. She let me listen by giving me one of the earphone she has. I did theorize earlier that she would be listening to music, I never expect for her to listen to classical music. I sighed and relaxed and viewed the environment through the car's window. As we pass by some few houses, we finally got to a sign saying that we are on the right path going to Hillside Lake. 'Camping would be a great time to stop studying and let my brain relax' I thought.

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