Chapter 11: Voodoo

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It was Lunchtime and I sat alone, the cafeteria wasn't that even crowded. "I heard, she just killed herself because her bestfriend died yesterday" "Another suicide at school, isn't this some kind of curse or something?" "Who knows? Maybe Seraxia had it enough with the popular kids" "I think Seraxia is controlling the new kid to make the others r kill themselves". 'An another suicide?' I thought, "Hi Seraxia!" I heard a familiar voice. "Why are you asking help from her?" And a new voice, I looked at the two spirits, "Best friend?" I asked her, "Yeah, eventually Gretal did push a few buttons that led to my besties death, now we're here" popular one said, "Why Seraxia?" The bestie or I would call her now popular two, asked. "Seraxia is the only one who we know who can talk to spirits and ghosts, and by the way Seraxia, why are there other creepy spirits in the school?" Popular one asked, "I don't this place that much, but I think before this school was built, or renovated, it was some kind of asylum before" I stated as I started to eat. "Woah" the two were amazed, "I'm very sure you two shouldn't be amazed, an asylum is a place where people keep you know.. insane people, people with mental issues" I explained, "Oh- o-of course" popular one said, "I feel like Gretal would continue killing every popular kids here at school" popular two said, "No, she plans to be with the popular kids and be popular, you know popular stuff, other schoolmates will adore you. Gretal actually do voodoo dolls" popular one stated, "Any more details?" I asked her, "Well, she also started to create more voodoo dolls, with the help of her parents. She even planned to make a special voodoo doll, I don't know who this special voodoo doll is though" popular one continued. "Wouldn't that person be accused of murder? Or something?" Popular two asked, "She did plan to kill every popular kids and then blame it all on Seraxia. To be honest, it has already started, gossips about Seraxia controlling Gretal, cursing the popular kids" Popular one replied, "I will try and talk to Gretal later" I said not even thinking about what I should do, "That's too risky" popular one said and went in front of me, "Risky?" I asked her as I stood up and left the cafeteria. "I mean like, if you go talk to her now, other students will talk more about you" popular one continued, "She's right about that" Popular two added. "Then what do you two think I should do at this moment?" I asked the both of them, "We'll" popular one started, "Spy on her for now, and my best friend will escort you home" popular one stated as she smiled, "Nice plan. Me and Seraxia will think of a plan for tomorrow and how we will stop Gretal's doing" popular two stated as she also smiled. "Fine" I sighed and went back to the classroom.

It was already dismissal time, I stayed in the classroom for a few more minutes and I will look around the school to investigate or find more spirits. "You go home this late?" Popular two asked, "Yeah" I replied. "I noticed you haven't mentioned my name yet" popular two stated as she follows me. "I wonder why?" She said while looking at me. I stopped walking and looked at her, "I can't just memorize names that fast, okay?" I answered her question, "The name's Casey" she said as she smiled and went beside me. "Since you're helping me and Aria, I guess you should call us by our names" Po- I mean, Casey stated as she wonders around the classroom. "So why do you go home this late?" She asked me, "To find more spirits. I could investigate to where they are located and why they died" I answered, "Sounds creepy" she stated while hugging herself. "Aren't you scared of seeing these spirits?" She asked me while I walk down the hallway, "Not at all. Some are friendly and some aren't friendly at all. Other souls that are stuck here, and they do have a scary form, but I still have the courage to face them" I replied. As Casey was about to ask a question, a body appeared right in front of us swinging back and forth. A body of a child that was hung on a ceiling, Casey hid behind me and she looked scared, "A ghost scared of a...Ghost?" I stated a bit confused. "It surprised me ok" she spoke. We both looked at the body and then at the head, "I-is that a noose?" She gulped, "I think so, but it's covered with blood" I stated as I observed the noose. "So, this child did kill herself?" She asked me still scared of what she is seeing right now. "That's the question that I can't answer right now" I replied as we looked at the child's face, not facing ours. "Why are we even staring at the dead body?" She asked me while holding onto my shoulders. Then the child looked at us and his body fell on the floor. "Should we run?" Casey quaked in fear, as I took a step back. The body then started to move towards us. I started to run away as Casey followed me. The child was screaming while it followed us quickly. "What should we do?" Casey asked me. I started to find where the exit was, "Leaving the school is the best idea for now" I stated as Casey nodded at me. "I know where to find the nearest exit" she added as she went ahead of me while the dead child still followed us still screaming that could hurt your ears. "Hurry!" Casey shouted as I ran and saw the exit. As I finally have stepped outside of the school grounds the ghost wasn't even there anymore. I started to catch my breath and looked back at the school and looked at the second floor. The ghost earlier was watching us with a creepy grin. "His body was decaying and, it was so bloody. Gross" Casey stated while I laughed at her statement. "How can you get used to that?" She asked me, "Now that you see more than once, I'm sure you'll get used to it" I stated with a smile. "Well that was an experience" she stated as I started to walk towards home while Casey following me. 'It's nice to have someone with you walking home, even though if it's a ghost' I smiled at the thought of it.

"You live here?" Casey asked me while I just nodded, "Oh and say hi to granny" I added as I entered my apartment as Granny was there waiting. "Oh? A guest?" Granny was surprised to see someone or maybe that there is another ghost with me. "This is Casey" I introduced her to Granny as Casey waved hi to her, "Blood relative?" Casey asked me, "Nope, granny is the last owner of this apartment. After she was murdered by an intruder and got robbed, nobody wants to rent this apartment. They were scared of her" I explained. "Welcome Casey. Seraxia make sure to lock the door" Granny said as I did lock the door and went to change clothes. "What brings you here Casey?" I heard Granny asked Casey, "Well, I'm here to help her plan on something" Casey said as I entered the room. "Ok then, we shall start planning" I stated as Casey nodded. For the whole evening we planned on what to do for this Gretal problem.

The next morning, I got ready for school and left the apartment with Casey. "I hope I don't see anymore ghosts" She stated as she hugged herself and laughed. "Do you think that child is still there?" She asked me, "He might be probably waiting for us" I replied as I walked towards school.

Lunchtime came and Aria entered the scene, "Anything new?" I asked her, "Same as before, but it looks like she's planning to visit you today" Aria reported as I nodded and continued to eat my lunch. "So what plan did you two have?" Aria asked me and Casey. "Well, Seraxia was hesitant at first but, she agreed. We're going to fight voodoo with voodoo" Casey explained, "What? Wouldn't that be the same?" Aria said as she looked at me, "Seraxia belongs to a family full of curses, hexes, and more. Eventually, Seraxia's specialty is doing voodoo stuff" Casey continued to explain. "She can make her voodoo more effective than Gretal's" Casey finished with a smile, "Are the dolls with her?" Aria asked, as Casey nodded, "Later at dismissal we will start the plan, and Seraxia, can we stay at the roof?" Casey asked me, "Sure, there are more ghosts there if you want?" I stated as she had fear in her face, "Wh-what?!" Casey screamed, "She saw a ghost of a dead child yesterday" I told Aria everything that happened yesterday. "Then we do it at Seraxia's place" Aria stated, "No, Gretal would know she's there" Casey stated, "The clasroom?" Aria said as Casey and I both shook our heads saying no. "Second floor is haunted" Casey said, "Then where?" Aria asked, "First floor bathroom" I replied, "There's a friendly ghost there" I added as I finished my lunch. "Though, there's something off about Gretal and her parents" Aria stated as I looked at her, "Same feeling here" Casey added as they both looked at me, "Same" I mumbled. "We shall talk about this in the classroom" I stated as I left the cafeteria, ignoring everyone's gossip about me.

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