Chapter 2: Arrival

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We finally have arrived at the camp, "Ya'll wait here while I talk to my dad's friend. Don't start the fun without me" Dunce stated as he left the four of us there. I was carrying my backpack and I was also carrying the plastic bags earlier. "The scenery looks fantastic here!" Elliot exclaimed while looking at the trees. Simple things makes him happy "It is indeed a wonderful place, we are being surrounded by trees and all, yet we still need to be cautious due to the wild animals that are living in the forest, am I right Sumire?" Clara stated then looked at me, " Y-yeah, there might be snakes or spiders, or probably bears that wander around the forest" I stated, "You guys are worrying about some wild animals, there's no need to fear when Dunce the great is here!" Dunce stated with that much pride in his tone, "It's just a forest, we are only going to stay here for one night, and by tomorrow's afternoon, we're leaving. Of course we would eat lunch first then leave" Alfred spoke, "Ahahahaha, that's mah bro Alfred, his not worrying about anything!" Dunce laughed and used his arm to wrap it around Alfred's neck which surprised him and then Dunce messed with Alfred's hair "L-let go of me" Alfred demanded but Dunce didn't listen. "What about you tea head?" Dunce asked Elliot who was just watching with me and Clara, "Firstly my name is certainly not Tea head, my name is Elliot, and I would not mind the wildlife, I often go out of my house anyways" Elliot replied and then Dunce let go of Alfred and Dunce grabbed Elliot and messed his hair up, "Can you please not mess up my hair?" Elliot begged while Dunce was just grinning happily. " Miss Clara please help me" Elliot requested Clara, since she is the only that Dunce listen to. "Dunce let go of Elliot and guide us to our camp site" Clara ordered and Dunce lets go of Elliot which he fell on the ground. "Follow the leader!" Dunce exclaimed while I help Elliot get up, "Are...are you alright?" I asked Elliot and he just smiled at me "Of course, thank you for your concern about me" He stated happily still holding my hand "'re my friend, of course I would be concerned" I whispered which he can only hear what I have just said, "Well you are nice person Miss Sumire" he stated and patted my head, "Now now, we shall follow the leader as Dunce said" he chimed and started to walk, I followed behind him as we walk passed by some trees.


"AND HERE WE ARE" I exclaimed and looked at the peasants. "Our campsite is near the lake!" I chimed, "Alright, let's prepare for our food for lunch time and fix our stuff for we are going to have fun" Clara stated as she started to order people to prepare food while I stayed inside the cabin and rest. "Aren't you going to help us Dunce?" Elliot asked me while he was putting our stuff inside the cabin "Nah, I did a lot now, you guys do your part I do mine" I smirked, "Alright then, we will call you once Lunch is ready" Elliot stated "Yeah yeah" I added and made him leave the cabin so I can rest. 'They should prepare a wonderful meal though' I thought.


I went out to help Miss Clara cook our lunch while Alfred helped Sumire cut the vegetables. "Do we really have to eat vegetables" Alfred asked, "Absolutely vegetable have nutrients...and more" I stated, "Vegetables gives us nutrients and vitamins that can make us healthy" Miss Clara added to what I have said while she is still focused on cooking. "If you say so, Sumire, what do you think of vegetables?" Alfred asked Sumire, "W-well, it's...delicious and it is health for us?" Sumire replied, not sure of her answer, "Vegetables are just plants, but if you guys insist on eating it okay then" Alfred said while cutting the carrots. "Don't worry, we're not only going to vegetables, we also have meat, remember" Miss Clara stated as she added salt on the hot food.


We were finally done cooking and preparing lunch, "DUNCE! LUNCH IS READY" Elliot shouted while Dunce stormed out of the cabin and went to sit with us at the bench. "Lunchtime" Elliot chimed and we all ate it, surprisingly the veggies were tasty, the food was fine, "So? Did you guys enjoy the lunch?" Elliot asked us "It was delicious" Sumire whispered, "It was good, but not the vegetable part" Dunce stated then they all looked at me while I was drinking water. I put the glass on the table and looked at them emotionless. "It was...fine" I stated which made them smile. 'This will be a one long overnight camping trip' I thought. As the others started to chat and Dunce being prideful as always.

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