Chapter 9: Story 2 Part II

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"Seraxia~ Seraxiaaa" I heard someone said it, but I don't know who it is, I opened my eyes to see the old lady in front of me smiling. "Good morning dear" she happily said as I got out of bed and got ready for today, "Oh, by the way Seraxia, your phone lit up" Granny said, I call her 'Granny' because she wants me to, I don't know her past or anything but I just followed what she asked, that's the only thing I could give her in return. "I'll check that later" I stated as I took a bath.

I finished eating breakfast and I was about to check my phone. "Gretal messaged me?" I was surprised by this. I unlocked my phone and checked her message.

Gretal: Hey Sera, I was thinking if we could hang out today? Like go out to the movies, or go at the amusement park! I'll be waiting for your message Sera.

I started to type my reply

Seraxia: That sounds great, where do we meet up though?

After that Gretal sent a reply already.

Gretal: Hmm, how about my place?
Seraxia: Sure, I don't know where though
Gretal: I'll send my address

As she sent her address I took a small bag with me and filled it with some money that came from my parents and my phone, and more necessary needs that I will bring. "Going out?" Granny asked, "Yeah" I replied, "Be careful, and Have fun" she said as she disappeared, "Did you read the messages?" I silently asked as I grab my keys for the apartment and left, that I make sure that my apartment is locked. If someone breaks in, Granny will scare them away, like always.

I have arrived at Gretal's place and I messaged her that I have arrived. I waited outside her house as I heard the door open and saw a tall man. I'm guessing that's her dad, I smiled nervously and said "Hello". He gestured for me to come in and I followed. I mostly hate socializing, and it's not very comfortable for me, but instead I went along with it, anyways. "You must be Seraxia" Her father said, "Y-yes sir" I stated nervously. He then sighed as we reached the living room, "Gretal takes a while to get ready" he stated as he sat down on the couch and I just sat on a chair. I was obviously nervous, "Are you Gretal's friend Seraxia?" A feminine voice said, "Y-yes" I stated while i'm still feeling nervous. "Do you have some social problems?" She asked me, then I just nodded at her slowly. "I see, so that's why you look so nervous, don't worry, we welcome guests here like our own friend" she said as I looked at her. From head to toe, Gretal's mom is beautiful. "Here have some of my delicious treats. They're really good." she gave me a plate full of cookies, "" I said as she sat down beside her husband. "I might as well give her some snacks cause Gretal is taking a bath" she said to her husband. "By the way, Seraxia" I was about to eat a cookie but she surprised me so suddenly, why do I hate socializing again? "Thanks for helping our daughter study" Gretal's mom said, "Her grades were low before she met you" Gretal's Dad added, "Indeed And Oh and did you just go all the way here by yourself?" Gretal's mom asked, I just nodded, "Are your parents busy? Why didn't they drop you off? This place is quite scary" she added, "O-oh, Well I live alone in an apartment" I stated as I took a bite of the cookie, 'IT IS DELICIOUS..' I thought, "Your parents accepted that fact?" She asked, "Well, yes. Though they send me money so I can buy my necessities for my everyday needs." I said, "Such an independent girl" Gretal's mom praised me. "Seraxia!! Sorry for taking too long" Gretal finally entered the room, "Oh, and I forgot to mention that my parents are coming with us" she added, I looked at Gretal then at her parents and I just nodded, "Well then, let's go" Gretal said as she grabbed my arm and went out of the house.

We first went to the mall, then the park, then the woods, "They say that they can tell our fortune, and many more" Gretal's dad stated as we walked through the woods. While Gretal just grabbed my arm tightly. We arrived at a path separating one path from the other. "Which path should we go?" Gretal's mom asked, "The sign says, we should go here" Gretal's dad said, 'I don't remember this part of going there' I thought as Gretal's parents start to walk towards that path and Gretal pulled me to follow them...'Something is definitely off' I thought as we walked for about 30 minutes and there are no signs of destination. "We've been walking for like. Forever" Gretal complained, "but, we're following the right path, right?" Gretal's mom stated as we all looked underneath us, the path is gone. "Don't tell me we're lost" Gretal said as she grabbed onto me tighter, "Definitely we are" Gretal's dad said, "Now don't panic, I'll get us all out of here" he stated, "This way" he pointed as Gretal's parent started to walk. I didn't move, "Seraxia, are you alright?" Gretal asked me, "Don't worry I'll get us out of here, no need to be scared" Gretal's dad stated as they all looked at me. "That's not the right way" I stated. "How can you tell?" Gretal asked. "A spirit has been telling me once we all knew we got lost" I replied, "A spirit?" Gretal and her mom freaked out, "Where's the spirit?" Gretal's dad asked me, "Behind you" I stated as he looked behind him and no one's there, "Hello, spirit" he stated calling out to the spirit. "The spirit says hello and waved in front of you" I said, "Can you help us the way out of here?" Gretal's dad asked the spirit. It disappeared running away looking afraid. "Did the spirit said something?" Gretal's dad asked, I shook my head. "It went away, running away from something" I stated, "Though I can sense something evil over there, if we go there, we might get in trouble" I said, "So where do you think we should go?" Gretal's mom asked my while hugging her daughter who is clearly scared. I looked around me, "that way" I pointed as we all started to walk, "You must hurry, and run, this is an evil being that lurk around these parts of the woods, I will distract them for you people to escape" The spirit said while walking beside me, "The spirit told me that we should start running" I stated, "Why? Wolves?" Gretal's dad asked, "No, it's something else, not a spirit, not a being that is known to be good" I said as the spirit nodded and started to run towards the way where the evil being is. "RUN!" Someone shouted, and I have observed that the others heard it too, we all started to run away following my lead. After all the running we found the house, "Is that safe?" Gretal's dad asked me, "Yes!" I answered as we all got in the house, all of were tired. Once we all have catch our breath, we have observed our surroundings. I sighed and started to walk where the kitchen is, "Seraxia, where are you going?" Gretal asked me as I finally have entered the kitchen to see two people, Gretal and her parents followed and they saw two people, "Hello" Gretal's mom said as the two people turned around, "Customers! And....Seraxia" The female chimed, she then walked towards me and hugged me, "How's school?" She asked me, "Everything's fine mom" I stated as she gave me one more hug. "Mom?" Gretal asked completely confused. "Oh the customers, so what do you want for us to do?" My mom asked them, "Water, we need water" Gretal's dad said and looked at me, "There's an evil being out there, lurking around the forest, making an another path, tricking wanderers for them to get lost" I stated, "Is that so, get the book of beings and we shall discuss that later" My mom stated as she gave water to Gretal and her parents. "I'm thinking that you all must be tired, take a rest in the living room" my mon added as I exited the kitchen and went to our library. I found the book and went back to where my parents are, they were in the living room with the guests. "Thank you" My dad said as I sat down. "So you two are Seraxia's parents?" Gretal's mom asked my parents, "Yep" My dad said while looking through the book. "Why did you allow her to live alone in an apartment?" Gretal's mom asked, "You see, we allowed her because we knew there are evil spirits out there" my mom said, as the adults continued talking I saw Gretal looking at me. "Seraxia, did you saw the being?" My dad asked me, "No, but a spirit helped us escape it, the spirit was afraid of the being. It's energy was quite strong even from a far away distance" I stated. "Do you people know what it was? Cause we heard someone shouted run out there" Gretal's dad said, "That was the spirit, it sacrificed itself for the living to escape. It probably have encountered the being that led to it's own death" I replied, "There might be no records of this" my dad stated, "It's something new and powerful" my dad added. "It's already dark outside, why not stay here for the night and leave tomorrow morning" My mom stated as she stood up from the chair, "If that thing is still out there, it's worse to travel at night" my mom stated seriously this time as she left the room, "There is only one available room left" My dad said, "I'll lead you there" My dad said to Gretal and her parents. "Your room is always where it has been" My dad said to me as I nodded, "I think Gretal and Seraxia can share a room" Gretal's mom said, "Your daughter is very independent and she sees spirits, what a talent" Gretal's mom said, "Is that okay for you you Seraxia?" My dad asked me, "Sure" I said as I grabbed Gretal's wrist and led the way to my room.

We arrived at my room and I opened it. "So you can see spirits?" Gretal asked me, "Yeah, it's fine if you think of me as weird or a freak now" I stated as I fixed my bed for her to sleep in. "I think it's cool, but scary at the same time" Gretal said, "But I think my parents wouldn't let me hangout with you anymore" she stated sadly, "Your parents always control you, are they. I saw your thoughts" I stated as I grabbed a blanket and laid it on the floor. "You can tell me, I won't tell anyone. Plus, each room are always soundproof, except for one" I stated as I grabbed one of the pillows and put it on the floor, I grabbed the other blanket and dropped it to where I set up the first blanket. "They control me like their own doll" Gretal said as she sat down on my bed, "You won't tell anyone? Promise?" She stated as I nodded. "Say I promise first" She said as I sat beside her "I promise" I stated with a smile on my face.

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