Chapter 8: Story 2

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This story is not so bad, you wouldn't be scared once you have heard of it. The story that I'm gonna tell you all for today, is all about voodoo dolls. Seraxia, one of the smartest students in her school, though she is popular because she has high grades, she doesn't have friends, but one day.


I was studying in the library to be interrupted by this new transfer student, "Hello" she said while I just looked at her, "Hi" I replied while I'm fixing my stuff, because there was no point for me to study here if I'm just going to be disturbed by someone. "Did I disturb you?" She asked which made me freeze for a moment, 'Did she read my mind?' I thought, "Eventually yes" I answered her question, "O-oh, I'm very sorry, I should leave so I wouldn't disturb you" She replied sadly "Do you even have friends to be with?" I asked her, "Well...I don't have friends...because no one likes to be friends with me so I- approached you because you looked like you needed a friend" she stated giving a smile to her face, "oh" is all I could say, "I should leave now" she stated as she started to walk, "Want to study together? I could tutor you" I said while I clutching my bag, "Uhm, sure" she said as she walked back towards me and smiled.

The next day

Lunch time came and I always sit alone in a table all by myself, I stared at my food and it isn't that much, yet I just dealt with it. "Can I seat here?" Someone asked me and I looked up to see who it was, I smiled and replied "Sure", she sat down beside me and we talked about our hobbies, our faves, and more. "So Gretal, what was it like in your old school?" I asked her and she was silent for a moment, "It was fine, the school was great!" she replied with a smile, "Oh, okay.." I stated as Lunch time ended, and classes are about to start.

As our teacher gave us enough break time, I just stared at my notebook, not knowing what I should do. I was thinking about reading in advance, but I think I shouldn't. So instead, I started doodling on my notebook and ignoring the noise that my classmates made. As we're dismissed, our teachers didn't gave us homework, but I thought of studying in advance. I went to my locker to get some of my stuff that I have to put it in my bag. Before I leave the school, I decided to make a quick stop at the girls restroom. I looked at the mirror in front of me and I washed my hands, as I started feeling nervous.. I looked at the mirror again, only to see someone standing there watching me from behind. I jumped in terror as I face the unknown assailant, I closed my eyes and shouted.. "Get out of my sight".. as I open my eyes and turned back.. it disappeared.. leaving nothing but thin air. The reason why I have no friends is because that I see spirits and I can communicate with them normally like I'm talking to a real person.

I left the school and started to walk towards my apartment, I planned to have my own place than being with my parents, who lives deep within the forest, but.. they still have visitors, atleast. My parents cast curses and spells to what their visitors requested, they take requests from the living and the dead. I have finally reached my apartment and went in. I'm not alone in my own apartment, I closed the door and locked it as the lights turned on by itself. "How was your day at school?" Speaking in an elderly voice, "It was same as always" I replied, "You sure about that?" She added as her spirit appeared in front of me. She was murdered in her apartment which I'am in right now. "Yep" I simply replied as I sat down on the couch to take a rest. She always advised me to lock the windows and doors as always. "Still no friends?" She asked while I just stared at her for a moment. Her form was an old lady obviously, but she was almost covered in blood. "One" I mumbled, "That's great! We should celebrate this with a fine meal" she chimed as she disappeared in my sight. I heard the fridge open and decided not to worry about it. I took my bag and went to my room, I placed my bag on my bed and changed my clothes, I went to do laundry for next week's schooldays. I crossed my way into the kitchen and saw ingredients perfectly laid down on a counter. "Of course I will guide you on how to make a fine meal" she said with a smile that I respectfully gave one in return.

Dinner was finally finished as I started to eat. "So have you found wandering souls?" She asked me as she just float around the dining table, "In the bathroom, not a good one like you though" I said as I continue to eat. "What are you gonna do about it?" She asked me again, "Nothing, as usual, it's someone else's job to do something about it" I replied, "I see" and that's her last reply till she disappeared and went silent. I finished eating my meal and washed the dishes. Finally heading back to my bed and fell asleep peacefully and relieved.

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