Chapter 10: Story 2 Part III

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Morning came and I woke up because of the sun's bright light. Gretal woke up as well and fixed my bed, I cleaned up the room and we both went downstairs. 'Now I know the whole story' I thought as we both head downstairs where my parents are, as well as Gretal's. "You guys have a safe trip back" My mom said to Gretal's family. Gretal waved goodbye at me as they left the house. I stayed here for a reason, I wouldn't be staying here for too long. "Make sure you would be hidden Seraxia" My dad chimed as I nodded and left the house. I followed Gretal's family making sure they are safe, or making sure that they didn't steal anything from the house. Once they finally have left the forest, I went back to my parents and reported everything. "That's good, now" My mom started, "Eat breakfast then you can leave, make sure to study well" my mom continued, "I will" I replied as I ate the breakfast that my mom cooked. I said my goodbyes to my parents and left the house. While walking back alone I felt like someone is watching me. I looked around and no one was there. I started walking faster and ignored how scared I am.

I finally got back to my apartment and saw granny. "Welcome back Seraxia" She chimed as she floated around me. "How was your trip?" She asked me, "It was entertaining" I said then smiled at her. "Life changing in one day and a night...Interesting" she said as she appeared beside me. "But now I need some rest" I told her as she understood and disappeared. I went in my room and changed my clothes. I laid down on my bed and drifted off to sleep.


"Is that all?" Dunce asked, "I'm not finished, yet" I replied, "Oh yeah? This story is starting to get boring" he stated, "Dunce! Stop interrupting the story!" Elliot shouted at Dunce, "blah blah, shut up Tea head" Dunce mocked, "Hey guys did you hear that?" Clara started, "Hear what?" Both Elliot and Dunce asked, "I don't know where it's coming from" Clara stated. "Oh, I heard it again" Clara chimed this time, "Tell us where it is!" Dunce and Elliot ordered Clara while I gripped on my scarf. "I think I heard...Silence" Clara said as the two sat down and just looked at her, "You may continue, Sumire" Clara said while I nodded


It was Monday and I studied more. Though I can't find Gretal, 'She must be tired from yesterday' I thought as the teacher let the class have free time today. 'What can I do to help her? I can't obviously use voodoo or put a spell on her parents. I should visit her later' I thought as I doodled in my notebook. "H-hey Seraxia" a female classmate approached me. "Hi" I replied letting her know that I heard her. "Y-you're friends with Gretal. R-right?" She sounds nervous, "Yeah, why ask?" I asked her and looked at her, "W-well, you see. She approached my g-group earlier. And, a-and then-" "Why don't you seat down, or talk about this later, somewhere private" I stated and looked at her. "No, we n-need to talk about th-this now" she said, "Would you rather lose your reputation?" I asked her, "That doesn't matter anymore" She replied then I realized that my other classmates were looking at me and questioning. I went stared back at my notebook and wrote something. Tell me everything "I-i will" she said,

After that spirit told me everything, I started to worry about Gretal even more. 'Why would she do that?' I thought to myself. The spirit or one of my classmates was popular in this school, then she approached me when she died. She started following me everywhere. "So what are you gonna do Seraxia?" She asked me. "I don't know, but I need to know why she did that to you" I replied, "She obviously did that because she wants fame!" She shouted as her eyes glowed. "Can you do a favor for me?" I asked her while I stared at the mirror in the bathroom, while other students outside started gossiping about the popular student's death. "Why would I?" She said, "Can you spy on Gretal for me? And report everything to me by tomorrow" I continued. "Wh-what?! How am I supposed to do that?" She asked me, "You're a ghost now, following and spying on her is easy" I smirked at her, "Besides, I'm already helping you" I stated and looked at her ghost form. "That's how you can repay me" I said and left the bathroom while she followed me. "Fine fine, I'll do it" she finally have said it, "Okay, report me everything, every detail by tomorrow's lunch time, got it?" I chimed, "Yes ma'am" she said as I found Gretal and I saw she started following her and gave me a thumbs up as I smiled back. Once they were gone I saw children's dead bodies on the floor. "What kind of place is this?" I asked myself as I left the school.

Tuesday morning came and I got ready for school. I ate breakfast and said goodbye to granny and left for school.

I have arrived at my destination and then I went straight to my classroom, I sat down and took out the special notebook where I note everything about spirits and more. 'I'm just hoping counting them won't increase today'

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