Chapter 2

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"Good morning sunshine!"
I open my eyes. Molly is sitting on me, looking in my eyes and smiling.
"Has anyone ever told you you're creepy?" I say, getting up.
"Oh yes, many times."
We both start laughing. Then I go to the bathroom, and I take a shower.
"So, it's 10 am. Which means we still have 7 hours until we start our...operation. What do we do?"
"I don't have a clue. You're the clever one, make something up"
"I was hoping you'd say that" she says, smiling.
"Trust me, I instantly regretted it"
"Oh, don't be scared"
"Now I'm terrified"
She punches me, and I fall on the bed.

"I told you you didn't have to be scared"
We're walking in the wax museum, and I honestly love it. I've always wanted to go there.
"Oh my God, Michael Jackson's wax statue!" I say. Molly pulls the phone out and tells me to go next to it.
"How do I look?" I ask.
We stay in the museum for about 2 hours, then we go out and we eat.
"This is the best thing I've ever eaten." says Molly.
"Then it has to be really good, since you eat everything" I say, laughing.
"You moron!"

A few hours later

"What will you wear tonight?" asks Molly.
"Oh well...I don't know"
"Don't worry, I got you"
We enter in the first shop we see, and I look around.
"I don't want something too uncomfortable, I will just wait for her out of the theater, I won't play Fanny Brice"
"Well, this is perfect then!" says Molly, handing me a dress.
It's a red dress, it's cut in two: it has a top and then a short skirt.
"Let me try it on"
As soon as I wear it, I fall in love. It's so perfect!
"You look stunning!" says Molly, clapping her hands and smiling.
I smile. I really feel good.
I look at the card with the price, but before I can catch it, Molly stops my hand.
"Uh-uh. It's on me. You don't need to see."

At the hotel

"Are you done yet?" I ask Molly. She's doing my makeup and it's taking ages.
"You said almost half an hour ago"
"Shut up, and stay still"
"Aaaaand done." says Molly, looking at my face.
"Can I move now?" I ask
"Oh yes yes. Go look at yourself in the mirror"
I get up, and I go in the bathroom. I have to admit she did a great job. I never liked makeup, but she didn't put much.
"Are you ready?" she asks me.
I smile. "You bet I am"
We go outside, and we start walking.
"Are you nervous?" asks Molly.
"A bit. I mean... she's my hero. Who wouldn't be nervous when they're about to meet their idol?"
Molly takes my hand.
"It's going to be okay."
I squeeze her hand.
"I know."
"Look, we're arrived" she says.
I look up, and that theater is standing in front of me. Idina is probably already inside. Oh my lord. I'm so close to her. Just a door away. But I won't be able to cross that door. It's okay though, if I get lucky, I might see her when she gets out.
"I told you there would be other people"
She's right. There are around 6 more people waiting outside.
"Let's sit here."
We sit down, and we wait for Idina.
"We're waiting for Idina. We're waiting to meet her. I can finally say it out loud, and not in my mind anymore." I say, shocked.
"Yes, we really are."
"Thank you, Molly. For bringing me here. For everything."
A tear streams down my face.
"Hey, Gina! You don't have to thank me. Remember what we said? We will always be togheter. I will always be there for you, and you will always be here for me."
I laugh. "Pinky promise?"
She laughs too. "Pinky promise."

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