Chapter 3

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Molly fell asleep half an hour ago, and she's laying on my legs. I can't sleep. All this anxiety and the fear of not being able to see her is killing me. I know I have many other chances to do it but I've been waiting for this moment for 4 years. Idina has made my life better, she's made me realise that it's okay to make mistakes and that you can't let those mistakes make you give up. She saved my life. And now I might be able to tell her these things face to face.
"Oh my God, Regina" says Pauline, one of the people that are waiting for her too.
I look up, and I see people coming out of the theater.
"It's happening. Oh my God" I whisper.
I shake Molly, and she wakes up.
"Is she here? Did you meet her already? You didn't wake me up?!"
"Molly calm down. She's not here yet, but the show is probably over because people are getting out"
"Okay" she whispers. We both get up, and Molly takes my hand.
We slowly approach to the entrance.
"When do you think she will come out?" asks Molly.
"I don't know Mol... We shouldn't even be here. We have to go." I say, turning around.
Molly grabs my wrist.
"You're not going back now."
"I can't, Molly! What if she's tired, and we just bother her? Bothering my idol is the last thing I want to do. And what if she already got out?"
Molly grabs my shoulders.
"Regina, you're not bothering her. How can you bother someone by showing how much you love them?"
I look at her.
"Okay...but if I see that she's not enjoying it, we go away, got it?"
"Sir, yes sir"
I smile, and I give her a little punch on the arm.
We go in front of the theater, and we wait.
At some point, a lady comes to us and says: "She's still inside. I bet she will be out in a few minutes!" and winks at us.
Me and Molly look at each other.
"Are you okay?" I ask Pauline.
"Yeah... This is my dream, I used to think about this during history class in high school... And now look at me, making my dream come true, even if not as I thought"
I grab her hand.
"I's the same for me."
She looks at me and she smiles.
"Girls" says Molly, squeezing my arm.
I turn around, and I see Idina coming towards us.
"Oh my God" whispers Pauline.
"She's even more beautiful in person" I say, starting to shake.
She's walking with that smile on her face, the one that always lights up my days. And she's walking towards me. Finally.
"Hi girls! How are you? Do you want me to sign something?" she asks us.
A bunch of people hand her some albums and photos.
I didn't bring anything. I honestly don't care about having an autograph. I want something to remember, I want her to smile because of me. That is why I decided I would have asked her for a hug.
"Hi! What's your name?"
"Pauline" says Pauline, shaking very hard.
Molly comes to her, and whispers to her to calm down.
"What about you?" says Idina, looking at me.
Shoot. I can't talk. Yes you can.
"I...i wanted to ask you if you could give me a hug?" I say.
"Aww, of course!"
She leans towards me, and I feel her arms surrounding my body. I used to dream about this feeling all the time, and I never got it right. It's the most beautiful thing ever. I can feel her energy into me. I feel so connected, so good, so... safe. I wouldn't trade this hug for the world.
I open my eyes, and tears start coming off my eyes.
Then I see something. Something I've been afraid of for all my life.
Time stops. I freeze. I can see the guy in front of me pulling out the gun, and pointing it on Idina's back.
He will do it. He will pull the trigger. I will never be able to tell her how much she means to me. I will never be able to sing with her. I will never be able to get better at my singing without her. She's going to die.
Not if I can prevent it.
I feel my mouth opening, and screaming.
Then I turn around, so that the bullet will hit my back.
I hear the shot. I don't feel anything. All I can feel is Molly screaming, people running away and Idina holding me. This could be my last moment. I could die.
"T-Thank you for making my life better" I whisper in her ear. Then I close my eyes. I can still hear Idina screaming to call 911.
"No...don't leave me. Don't fall asleep. Stay with me" she whispers to me.
This is the last thing I hear. Then it gets all dark.

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