Chapter 10

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Idina's POV:

What happened in there? She was fine, and the next minute she went crazy. It's my fault. I shouldn't have sang to her. What have I done? I just keep making mistakes...
"It's not your fault." says Molly, coming next to me.
Yes it is.
I don't say anything. What could I say?
"Idina, it's not your fault. And I'm sure she will be fine, I prom-"
"No, don't promise that. Because if she isn't going to be fine, I will never forgive you" I say.
She sighs. Then she takes my hand. Enough speaking for now.
The waiting room and Regina's room are isolated from the rest of the hospital, to protect me. Funny how Regina's the one risking her life and they have to protect me. Sometimes I wonder what life would be if I wasn't famous? I could travel without anyone protecting me. I could go out like a normal person without getting blocked. But then, the people who always block me are people who love me; children who love Elsa, teenagers who love Rent or Wicked. Maybe I wouldn't have so much love in my life. God, I wouldn't even have Walker. No. I love my life the way it is. With its ups and downs, with its adventures and surprises, and yes, a bit of danger. I'm proud to be who I am. And I'm happy to be living this life.
"Ladies." says the nurse, coming to us.
Molly quickly stands up.
I'm stuck. The words that will come out that mouth now are going to change everything.
"She's fine."
Oh my God.
Molly turns to me and hugs me tight. I hug her back. Some tears fall off my eyes. I can't help it.
"There are also other good news."
We turn to the nurse.
Oh my God, is she awake?
"We understood what happened. When you sang to her, Miss. Menzel, she had a reaction. Which means, she heard you. She's always heard us. We think she wanted to gain control over her body again to give a sign to you that made you understood she could hear you."
I sob. Molly turn to me and hugs me again.
She can hear us. She can hear me.

Regina's POV:

It's hot and cold at the same time. My head hurts so bad. My heart is racing. I shouldn't have done that.
I can feel the nurse helping me to breathe well.
It's okay, I'm okay now.
Idina isn't though.
I scared her. I did the last thing I wanted to do. She got scared but she wouldn't leave my side. She whispered I love you just before she walked out of the room.
I did that for nothing. I almost died for nothing. She will never know I can hear everything. She will never know I'm here.
My thoughts are stopped by the sound of the door opening.
I wish I could tell you everything, Dee. I wish I could hug you and tell you how much I love you. I wish you could know I can hear you. Talk to me, please. Sing for me again.
Idina comes closer to my bed. She takes my hand, and she leans to my ear.
"I know you can hear me. I got the message pretty well. But don't do that ever again, okay?"
She knows. What I did wasn't useless. She got it.
She got it.
"Yeah, don't do that ever again, Gina. You scared the crap out of us!" says Molly.
I laugh. In my head.
It's okay though. I made a small step. I made them understand I can hear them. If I slow down and have patience, I will be able to hug Idina very soon.
Even sooner than what I thought.

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