Chapter 13

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Regina's POV:

Yesterday something strange happened. I heard Molly asking Idina if they could talk outside, which means she didn't want me to hear what she had to say...weird. But I'm sure it's nothing, maybe she just wanted a bit of privacy.
Idina put on Frozen, and then Rent and she sang Defying Gravity. She honestly rocks.
I don't hear anything right now, so they're probably sleeping or checking their phones.
I thought it was going to be a lot harder than this. The first days were pretty messed up, I just wanted to get out of this state, but now... what if when I wake up this all ends? Me being with Idina, her taking care of me, Molly and Idina getting close... I don't want this to end. And if I wake up it might do. But, on the other hand, I want to wake up, I want to hug Idina and let her know I'm okay. It might seem hard, but I made a choice: I won't wake up until they really need me.
"Oh my gosh, Idina, your phone's blowing up!" I hear Molly saying.
"Oh boy."
"Who is it?"
"It' fans. Why? I mean, I get it, but they wrote me stuff like 4 hours later the accident. Why are they freaking out right now?"
I hear Molly getting up and sitting besides Idina.
"Oh shoot" says Idina.
Yeah, what?
"This is bad. Really bad"
"You're giving me anxiety. What!?" asks Molly.
"They found me. And they're all out of the hospital. They found the room we're in and they're posting pictures everywhere."
No, no, no.
"Holy shit"
"Yeah, holy shit"

Idina's POV:

What do we do now? This could be dangerous. No, it is dangerous. I could be in danger, which means Regina, Molly and Regina's parents could be too.
"Let's take a deep breathe." says Molly.
"You need to tell them to stop"
"I can't! What if the killers see that?" I reply.
"I didn't mean to write that. You need to open the window and tell them to stop right now"
Well, she's right. But it's dangerous anyway. I don't know what to do, at all. I'm so...lost.
I don't even notice I'm crying until Molly comes to me and hugs me tight.
"I know it's difficult. But you have to do it. You're in danger even if you don't tell them anything."
Again, she's right. I have to do it. I have to try.
"Let's do this"
I get up, and I walk to the window.
"Woah, stop. Wait a second. You really think you can open that window like that? You have to be safe!" says Molly.
I turn to her.
"What do you mean?"
"Idina, you need to wear a bulletproof jacket!"
Oh gosh. This is way worse than I thought.
"Where do we even find that?" I ask.
"The police? They will give you one, I'm sure" says Molly. Then she takes my phone and she gives that to me.
"Call them"
I take it and I call the police.
They agree, and they take it to me.
"They're coming" I say.
"Okay" says Molly.
When the jacket arrives, I wear that.
"How can you manage to be cool with literally anything you wear?" says Molly to me.
We both laugh. Thank you Molly for that.
"Okay. Now let's do this."
I walk to the window.
I put my hand on the handle and I take a deep breathe.
Then I open the window.

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