Chapter 7

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Idina's POV:

I feel someone touching me. I instantly wake up.
I look up, and Molly is staring at me. She shakes her head.
"No... I brought you food. It's sushi. You love sushi."
I take the bag.
"How do you know I love sushi?" I ask.
"Regina constantly talks about what you like. She probably knows more things about you than you actually know!" she says, laughing.
I start laughing too.
"What about your parents?" I ask, after finish my food.
"Oh... Well... I don't know them. I was adopted, but I love my family so much. They're amazing, they always supported me." she says.
"Oh... sorry for asking."
"No, don't worry. You couldn't know."
"Wait, where did you leave Walker?" asks Molly, suddenly concerned.
"He's okay. I taked to him earlier. He's with my sister." I reply.
Molly smiles to me. I smile back.
Then I feel someone picking on my shoulder. I turn around, and I see Regina's mother looking at me.
"Why don't you two come to eat with us?" she asks.
I turn to Molly. She looks at me as to give me courage.
"Okay, sure" I say.
Laura smiles. Molly stands up, and takes my hand.
"Come on! It's going to be fine."
I hope so.
"So... you sing and act?" asks Laura.
I smile. "Yes, I do."
"And when did you start?"
"Well... I've been singing since I have memory! I used to sing at weddings when I was just a bit younger than Regina and Molly." I reply.
"Regina loves to sing too. It's weird, because she isn't shy, she always sings in front of other people, she performed many times in her school, but she never lets us hear her."
I laugh. Because I used to do like that too!
"Oh, I know what you mean. I never sang just to my parents. I couldn't even explain to myself why I didn't"
Molly and Laura start laughing.
What a beautiful feeling. I almost feel... Accepted. It's too soon to say, Regina is still in there, fighting for her life. But small steps are okay, right?

Molly's POV

When Laura came to us, I thought I was dreaming. It's a small step, but it's a step.
Idina is such a shy and cute person. Regina is always been right about her. And they are even more similar than what I thought. They are bot shy and gentle, but when you get to know them, they completely change. They get crazy.
"Are you okay?" asks Idina. Now we're sitting next to each other, back where we were sitting before.
"Yes, I am. I was just thinking."
"About what?"
I take her hand and I smile.
"When you will get to know Regina, you will realize that she's so like you."
Idina smiles and squeezes my hand.
"Well, I can't wait then!"
Then the doctor comes out of the room and walks to us.
We all jump and run to him.
"So?" asks Laura.
Silence. This can't be good.
"She's out of danger"
He can't even finish to talk that we all scream.
I hug Idina. Then Laura.
"But... There's also a bad news"
We all freeze. How bad?
Idina takes my hand and squeezes it very hard.
I turn to her. She's crying. I can see it in her eyes. Guilt.
Not yet, Idina. She's okay now.
"She's in a coma. We don't know when she will wake up. Even if she will."

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