Chapter 4

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Idina's POV: (it's going to be just this time probably)

I can't believe what happened. I was hugging this fan, and suddenly she turned around and tried to cover my body with hers and I saw that guy behind her and then I heard the shot. Next thing I know, my bodyguards took the guy away and I kept holding that girl in my arms, while another one, probably her friend, was crying besides me.
Now I'm in the hospital, waiting for the doctors to tell me how that girl is. They took her away as soon as they saw her. It can't be good.
But why? Why risking your life for someone who doesn't know you exist? Just before she blacked out, she whispered in my ear thank you for making my life better. I just don't understand why...
I hear her friend crying next to me. I look at her.
"Are you her friend?" I ask.
She looks at me surprised.
"Yeah, I am. We're more like sisters than friends"
I smile. "I know what you mean. Look, come here" I say, pointing to the seat next to me.
When she sits, I put my arm around her shoulders.
"What's your name?"
"Okay, Molly. I want to be honest. I don't really understand why your friend did what she did, but I for sure know that I will do anything in my power to save her, okay?" I say to her.
She looks at me.
"I know why. Because she loves you so much. I shouldn't be the one telling you this, but... I don't know if she will ever get the chance. You saved her life before she saved yours. She gave up on her dream, which was singing at her best, but then she met you and you gave her the strength to go on and to try, no matter what happened. You changed her for the better, Idina. I've known her since we were 6, and I can assure you that she did. She had so many things to tell you, so many dreams with you that had to come true, and she probably didn't want them to just blow away because of that gun. So she did the only thing she could in that moment." says Molly. After finishing, she looks at me with tears in her eyes.
I'm already crying. That beautiful. Knowing that I made a person's life so good, and that she was this grateful to me.
Molly hugs me, and I hug her back. There's no need for words now.
After a few minutes, we stop the hug.
"I never asked you, what's your friend's name?"
"Regina" she says, smiling.
When saying a name makes you smile, it really is love.
I smile back.
"Oh shoot!" says Molly.
"Regina's parents!"
Then she picks Regina's phone, and she calls her parents.
I go away, because that is something she needs to do by her own. They will probably hate me. I'm the one their daughter almost died for. Well, we don't know if she will make it yet, though.
What Molly told me, what I did for Regina not even realizing will I ever pay back?
Just being there for Molly, Regina and Regina's parents.
Right. Even if her parents will hate me, I won't leave them. I won't leave Regina's side until she wakes up. And if she wants me to stay after, I will. That is a start. And this payback is starting today, right now.
"You're not going anywhere, Regina"

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