Chapter 1

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                                                           Hestia Pov

To say Hestia was lonely was an understatement. She was always alone, tending the Hearth on Olympus. Sure she wasn't always lonely, as her virgin nieces, Artemis and Athena, would sometimes come over and talk to her, but that was every few decades. 

But it wasn't their fault. She knew how busy the gods can get with doing things, like making an underwater arcade and etc. Hestia rolled her eyes at the thought of Poseidon proudly announcing it during the meeting a few months back.

Hestia sighed as she tapped the fire with her rod and stood up. She stared at the fire intensely and thought, 'If only I could have my own company. Just one would be enough for me.' 

Though, she knew if she was to get someone like a lover, Zeus would strike him down, without a moments hesitation. 

Hestia brought her hand down in front of her and smiled as the tips of the fire seem to dance to her finger tips. Just because she wasn't the goddess of fire doesn't mean she could use fire like her nephew, Hephaestus. Though, it was a secret to the other gods.

She twirled her fingers once and the fire leaped out of the Hearth and the circled around her body, stopping after it fully cased her body. She stood like that for about a minute, enjoying the sensation of the warm feeling of the fire around her before putting it back, sighing as she sat down.

She really wanted someone. Someone who would hug her when she was sad. Someone to make her proud. Someone to call her when they needed help. She wanted to be loved and wanted to love something as her own.

Sure she had her brother and sister, her nephews and nieces. But they didn't really speak. They were a family but... it seemed they only respected her because of her place as the goddess of the Hearth. Though it was nice that she was being protected by the others and a old memory appeared in her mind.

She was tired and had decided to take a nap for a while. Not knowing of a minor god who had noticed her. 

After she fell quickly to sleep, the minor god was about to force himself onto her but was then saved by her three brothers, who quickly ended the minor god, sending him into the void. (I know that didn't really happened and was saved by the donkey, but you know.... pLoT) Though grateful for the action, she wished they would also talk to her more. But they always had plans.

Hestia stared at the fire for a few minutes before a idea was brought to her mind. A dangerous plan but one that would fulfill her wishes. 

Hestia quickly looked around, and peeked her head through the massive doors that led outside to the city of Olympus. Seeing no major god near, she quickly went back and brought both hands in front of her.

Facing the Hearth, she then concentrated as a part of the fire made her ways into her hands. After the fire seemed to violently stir around her hands for a while, it seemed to start to calm down and a orb was then patiently waiting between her hands.

With one hand, Hestia wiped the sweat the started to drip from her brow. This was a hard thing to do, as this was the first time she or any other goddess or god has ever done. 

She then took a deep breath in before continuing. She had to hurry before anyone saw what she was doing.

Her hands started to glow a faint orange as the orb started to change shape into more of a humanoid baby. After what seemed like hours, the glowing started to disappear and Hestia gasped at the sight of the small baby in her arms. 

A huge smile appeared in her face and a tear escaped her eye as she fell to her knees as the baby used their hand to grab her robes as he saw the tear escaped her eye. Hestia's smile somehow grew at the sight of the baby grabbing her her robes.

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