Chapter 9

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Percy Pov 3rd Person

Percy slowly opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling. The dreams he had last night troubled him a bit. In the end, he decided to just think about it another time and use the bathroom.

Walking in, he immediately stopped at the mirror and stared at his reflection, brows up, jaw down. He tapped his white hair, testing whether it would fall off or if it was just paint. Seeing it was not, he tried to see if it was a dye and tried washing it with the sink water but came to no avail. Percy sighed, "Least it doesn't look that bad."

His eyes lit up as he remembered the mark Hephaestus told him before and took off his shirt. Sure enough, a large black tattoo was imprinted into his arm. A man, which Percy guessed to be Hephaestus, seemed to be at work, hammering some sort of weapon on an anvil. He shook his head and brought a hand to his face. How the hell was he supposed to hide this? The tat literally covered his whole muscle.

Though he had to agree it looked a bit sick, it would be a pain to hide it. If one was to see it, he would just say that he was honoring his dad or something.

After finishing, he went downstairs to see Chiron on the front porch, leaning back in his wheelchair with a man drinking from a can of coke. They both said nothing to each other and just watched the campers work and play around.

Chiron looked over to his side, smiling as Percy stopped right next to him.

"Lovely day isn't it?" the centaur said.

Percy shrugged, "Why's my hair white?"

Chiron raised his brows at the boy, "Carrying the sky had something to do with it. You don't have to worry about it. Give it at least a few months and it should be gone... Hopefully."

Percy heard the last part and sighed, "Whatever. So what am I supposed to do here?"

The two said nothing for a few minutes before Chiron called for a passerby, "Annabeth!" A golden haired girl stopped in her track and quickly made her way to the three.

"Do you need anything?" asked the girl named, Annabeth.

Chiron nodded and motioned to Percy, "Could you show Percy, here around? Make sure to bring him to cabin nine once you're done."

"Alright," Annabeth said before looking at Percy, "I'm Annabeth."

"Percy," he said back.

Percy spent half of the day following Annabeth. During his time with her, she would spew random facts about buildings and architecture, for example, she was explaining how architecture was once an Olympic sport and that was how the Olympic Stadium was designed.

Finally, the two stopped at what seemed to be a small factory, with brick walls and smokestacks. The two walked in before someone called out to them, "Hey Annabeth, what brings you along?" A huge muscular man said.

"Hey Charles. This is Percy. He's new and he's gonna be staying here from now on." Annabeth said as she wiped a bead of sweat from the heat, which of course, didn't bother Percy.

"Hey Percy, I'm Charles, the head counselor of Cabin Nine. If you've got any questions, you can ask me or Nina," Charles said before pulling a short tanned girl from her work, "about anything. I've got work to finish, so I'll have Nina here show you to your bunk."

Charles left right after, and soon enough, so did Annabeth.

"Percy right? I couldn't help but overhear from like, you know over where I was working. Pretty interested in ya story and all! Now, follow me as I show ya where to go!" said Nina. Percy raised her brows at her super enthusiastic self but followed her.

The cabin was filled with noise, as people worked on making things. Some worked on forging swords while others worked on making some sort of mechanical machine. The whole place was messy and unclean but he didn't mind it.

Nina stopped in front of an empty and neat bunk, which seemed to be pretty rare among the mess, before motioning, "Well, this is yours! Be sure not to mistake yours with someone else's. We don't want to have any arguments and such. Also since ya new and all, ya might want to join a group which we show beginners on how to, you know, build stuff!" she finished throwing her hands up.

Percy scratched the back of his neck before shaking it, "It's fine. I already know how to do the basics." which of course, was true. When he was blessed, it seemed to open a part of his mind he didn't know about. He could somehow sense almost every machine in the building and how they worked. His hands occasionally twitched when he felt something go wrong with a machine and was so tempted to jump right in and fix it. But ended up deciding against it.

"Are you sure? Being our dads kid doesn't mean we just magically know how to make stuff," said Nina, folding her arms.

"It's fine. I used to help my mom with stuff like this so I've had my share of experiences." Percy lied. Nina pondered for a second before sighing.

"Alright, alright. Whatever. You can choose a workbench to work at. You can get parts and tools on the second floor, but be careful of other people's work. We almost lost an arm once." joked Nina before walking away.

Percy scratched the back of his neck before slowly making his way to the second floor. He wanted to test out how his 'champion' abilities worked and how well his new powers helped him.

A few minutes later, Percy had a box filled with parts and tools. He looked at the parts before sighing. He had just one problem. Sure he knew he gained the ability to understand the mechanics of stuff but that didn't help boost his creativity trait. And to be honest, Percy wasn't so creative with making stuff.

Then he felt a chill run up his back and quickly looked over at the guy to his right. The boy started to screw something into his toy robot and Percy's eyes went wide, "No! Don't do-"

Percy was cut off as the "toy robot" exploded sending bits of metal everywhere. Percy ducked under his table until coming back up to see the guy on his back muttering, "So that's a no go. Walking toy bomb is now off the list."

Percy raised his brows before shaking his head. These kids were something else. He continued watching the parts on his table for about twenty minutes before his eyes made their way to a droganic head that rested on a table filled with other pieces of junk.

An idea popped into Percy's mind and he started to look around for the familiar girl until he spotted her screwing something into place. He walked over to her and asked, "Hey Nina, do you think I can use that head?"

Nina looked over to where he was pointing and grinned, "Yeah sure. We've got the rest of his body out in the back. But it's beyond repair. I suggest ya don't try and do it but what the heck. Ya might have some fun while you do it so go on."

"Thanks," Percy said before grabbing the dragon head. It was heavy to say the least but he carried heavier. He was successful in bringing it to the back of the cabin where he found a large room.

The room was filled with what seemed like mechanical failures, that seemed to call for him to work on the. But first he needed to do the dragon. Percy scanned the room before noticing the rest of its body.

Percy rested its head next to its body and went back, grabbing a few power tools. After coming back, Percy immediately went to work.

Chapter Word Count: 1,402

Story Word Count: 17,420

Well, there ya have it! A bit of a boring chapter and all but whateva. Percy gets to meet a few new people, you know, the usual. I skipped the tour around camp since I figure we all already know how the camp looked like so might as well skip it.

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