Chapter 8

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Percy Pov 3rd Person

Before leaving the throne room, Percy's eyes drifted towards the goddess who silently tended the Hearth. He wanted to tell her that he was fine, that she didn't need to worry about him. But she silently shook her head when she noticed him starring.

He sighed as his mother had basically told him that right now wasn't the time for the conversation. Percy followed Bianca through Olympus, glancing at the markets that was starting to close up as the sun slowly made its way down the sky.

They walked in comfortable silence until Percy spoke up, "I'm just wondering, but do you already know who your parent is?"

Bianca nodded, grabbing a strand of her white hair, "I sure do. Though I didn't really expect him to be my parent. Its a surprise. For me and Lord Zeus. But that matter was cleared up before you woke up."

Percy nodded, "Mind spilling who your parent is?"

She smirked as she turned around and started to walk backwards, "Well, for a hint, his the king of the Underworld."

"Your dad is Hades?" Percy said as she nodded at his answer, "That's pretty sick. Did you get like- you know-"

"Powers?" Bianca grinned.

"Yeah." Percy said, scratching the back of his neck.

"I'm learning some things. Though my brother, Nico, is faster than me when it comes to powers and could even make a skeleton pop up from the ground! A bit scary at first but we both got used to it quick." Bianca proudly exclaimed. 

"I'm sure you would be able to figure out how to do the same in-" Percy was cut short as Bianca tripped on something, and of course, Percy being the quick thinker, wrapped his arms around Bianca's hips. The two stared at each other before Bianca's face started to get red.

"Thanks. You can put me down now." Bianca flushed. Percy's eyes widened and quickly let go of her, causing her to yelp and fall to the floor. Percy laughed as Bianca glared at him, rubbing the back of her head, "I didn't mean drop me."

"I- I'm sorry." Percy said, wiping a fake tear, "But that was funny."

Bianca rolled her eyes and got up from the ground, ignoring the stares the two got. They continued as Percy finally began to quiet down.

After a couple more minutes, and a hell of an elevator ride, they were out of the tall building, where a giant of a man covered in eyes patiently leaned against a white van.

Percy was about to pull out his swords at the sight of him, but stopped when Bianca said, "Hey Argus, sorry for making you wait a while."

Argus shook his head and walked into the van, Bianca following suit. Percy watched and hesitated for a second before sighing, following Bianca in. 

The car ride was long one before finally coming to a stop. It was fully night out and Percy took the chance to look up into the sky, expecting to see the stars he so loved to look at but was sadly disappointed when all he saw was a pitch black sky. Percy was brought out his thoughts when he felt a tap on his shoulder, and saw the giant named Argus pointing towards the sleeping Bianca.

"I got it." Percy smiled, Argus responding with a smile of his own. 

Percy got back into the van and shook Bianca lightly, causing her to wrinkle up her noise and her brows slightly narrowed. He gently tried to shake her one more time making her murmured to leave her alone. 

Percy cracked another smile and shook his head as he wrapped on his arms under her back, his other arm doing the same under her legs, carrying her bridal style. Argus raised his brows as Percy pulled her out, who rolled his eyes and shook his head.

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