Chapter 3

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Percy Pov 3rd Person

Percy's eyes fluttered open as he felt the bus come to a sudden stop, causing him to crash into the seat in front of him.

Cursing, Percy rubbed his cheek and looked to the front to see why the sudden stop was for and saw the horrific scene was in front of him.

Arrows littered the bus. Not one living person alive.

His eyes narrowed at the sight and looked to see if the three old ladies were also struck by the barrage of arrows, but saw that they were gone. Shrugging it off grabbed his bag at his feet before stopping.

Shouts were heard from the front of the bus, causing Percy to gulp. He needed to get out of here. Quickly.

Percy unsheathed a sword and looked at the window beside him. He quickly opened it and peeked his head out and saw a two dracaenae facing the front of the bus.

Percy decided to take the chance, hoping they wouldn't spot him when he was climbing out.

Percy silently climbed his way out of the window quietly landed onto the ground. He was backing away from the two, expecting them to turn last second. Seeing that they weren't, Percy turned to run the hell out there but was forced to stop as he had ran into something, causing him to fall onto his butt.

Percy looked up to what seemed to be a man with a beard smile down on him. Panic spread through his whole body. Eyes widening as he looked back and saw the the two dracaenae still facing the other way. Percy then quickly looked back at the man who seemed to be analyzing him.

Percy gulped. If he was going to get away, he would need to fight this guy and he knew he wouldn't be as easy as the hell hounds he fought back near home. Without hesitation, Percy kicked the man ankles surprising the man. Much to Perseus avail, he fell onto the ground, letting out a groan.

Percy took the chance to get up and unsheathed his sword, and then quickly brought down both blades to where the man had just rolled out of.

The man was now on his feet but had a javelin in his hand. The mans face didn't change as he looked at Percy.

"Why won't you join me? You can become something great if you join my army." said the man. Percy didn't bother answering back and glared at him from his spot.

After a few seconds of the two not doing anything, Percy decided to take the initiative and lunge at him.

''Well, I guess I have my answer." he said before swinging the javelin at a mid air Percy, forcing him to try and block, but the strength of the man was too superior then of the boy.

The force of the blow, sent Percy into the side of the bus, pain suddenly erupting his whole body.

Percy struggled to get up as black dots appeared in his vision. His body ached from flying into the bus.

He took note to not block any of his blows.

The man shook his head and clicked his tongue as he slowly made his way over to Percy, before stopping in front of him.

"You should always know who your gonna challenge before you pick a fight." said the man as he twirled the spear in his hand.

"I can say the same to you." Percy choked out looking up at him.

The man shrugged, "I don't need to know the names of my opponents. I trample and tower over all life."

Percy ignored his antics and was to get in position to fight but froze as he noticed the man started to radiate in power. Percy seemed unable to move as the power forced him to kneel.

PercyJackson Son of HestiaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora