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So for about the last 2 chapters I've been asking on who you guys think I should be shipping. I've got 1 for Percy x Bianca and I'm wondering who else want's this to see this ship sail, or maybe to find a new ship that could sail in the cold dark seas of this fanfic.

So I'm going to make myself clear for the third time and maybe some of you might be tired of this but I'm NOT doing:


Gods (Including Artemis),

Maybe Annabeth,

and Thalia.  I dont know if thats all at the moment.

But so far I have 1 vote for Percy x Bianca, who I thank ^^ You can privately msg if you dont feel like putting your vote out there. Any thoughts are appreciated :D

You guys can even go as far to even ship Piper and Hazel and I'll some how bring them into the show!

And I think that's all! Thank you for reading this small road (story) block!

PercyJackson Son of HestiaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora