Chapter 7

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Percy Pov   3rd Person

Groaning, Percy sat up, wincing as a wave of pain and soreness crashing into his body, the prior events flooding his memory. Negative thoughts making their way into his head. 

He quickly looked around and noticed he was in what seemed like a medical ward, beds filling up his sides on his right and left. He noticed a girls head on the side of his bed, sleeping soundlessly. He let out a sigh of relief and smiled as he put his hand Bianca's white hair, when did she have the time to dye her hair white? 

Percy was brought out of his thoughts as a door opened, revealing a blond man in a doctors coat. He smiled when his eyes landed on a Percy.

"How are you feeling," said the man when he neared closer to him. Percy could tell he wasn't a regular person. 

"Sore." Percy croaked, noticing now how dry his throat was. 

The man nodded, "We'll that's to be expected as you've been carrying quite a burden for quite some time. Here drink this."

Percy's brows shot up as a glass with a golden liquid substance, nectar suddenly appeared in his hand. He slowly brought it up to his mouth and drank, tasting a familiar taste of brownies. 

"Alright, you should rest for at least another hour or two, before having to meet Zeus." said the man as he checked some stuff off his clipboard. 

Percy choked on his drink when he heard the king of the gods mentioned, "What did you just say?"

The blonde raised his brows as he looked up from his board, "Zeus, My father?"

"Father?" Percy's head tilted. 

Rolling his eyes, he continued, "It should be obvious by just looking at me." Seeing Percy still confused, he sighed, "We'll if you do insist, It's me Apollo, the greatest of the great, god of archery and all that stuff. Listen, I gotta go. Got a date with a certain nymph and you already know your god is tryna hit. I'll be back."

Percy stared at the god, eyes wide as he quickly made his way out the door. Percy sighed as he fumbled with the glass in his hands before taking a last long sip from his drink. He rested it on a cabinet and decided to get some more sleep. 

A few hours later, Percy woke the second time that day but this time he saw Bianca awake twirling her hair.

"Hey." Percy grimaced as he got into a sitting position. 

Bianca jumped at the sound of his voice, a smile appearing on her face, "Your finally awake!"

Percy nodded as he swung his feet out of his sheets. His legs were shaky at first but was then able to walk freely without shaking. 

"How long was I out." Percy asked when he noticed his shaking legs.

Bianca twirled a strand of her hair, "About five days. We're on Olympus. You were taken to Apollo's mansion right after we left."

Percy's face turned stoic, "What happened to Atlas? I don't remember much before passing out."

"Artemis was able to put him under the sky, thanks to your help. Though, I think you saw what happened to her lieutenant. Thalia, the girl who was able to get you out of your chains took her position when we got here." Bianca replied.

Percy nodded before both heads turned towards the door where the familiar looking golden haired man walked through, a smirk plastered on his face as he made his way towards the two.

"We should get going. The king doesn't like it when he has to wait for his "underlings." Apollo rolled his eyes at his own statement. 

Percy got up, ignoring the soreness his body was giving him and slowly followed the god out of his temple out onto a big street where you could see other temples were aligned on the sides, Percy guessing that these belonged to the other Olympians.

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