6th Confession Lol

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America: Hello is any1 up
Germany: anyone*
Russia: Germs wtf stop correcting us!
Germany: Do you have a death wish
America: Is that a death threat?
Germany: Well he did try to fuck me yesterday...
America: True I guess
Russia: Wat he's to cute~
Germany: Russia don't start again!
Sweden: Is Ire online?
Germany: Nein why?
Sweden: I kinda confessed yesterday and now I don't know how to tell him
Germany: You confessed through text?
Sweden: Yeah....
Germany: I'll help you!
Sweden: Really!
Germany: Sure I'll meet you at the coffee shop
Sweden: Thanks Ger.

Sweden has gone offline
Germany has gone offline

America: Hey why don't you confess too.
Russia: NO I CAN'T!
America: WHY?
Ireland: Huh why are you doing this?
New Zealand: Look Ire I think we should just leave them alone
Ireland: Yeah
America : Russia is gonna confess
Russia: NO I'M NOT!
Canada: Jesus Christ guys
Ireland: FUCK!
Australia: WHAT?
Ireland: Oh sorry I have to deal with someone....
New Zealand: Who?
Canada: It's Ireland who knows who it is?
Ireland: Shari and her basket of bitches....
Australia: I was drinking when you said that...
New Zealand: lol XD
America: Oh ma gad.....
Canada: Dad says Irish people are the reason he left the EU.....
Ireland: Tell him he can suck my ass!
Russia: Ha ha
Ireland: Well the reason I fought for independence is because of British people. They are fucking tea addicts...
Canada: This is Britain, Ireland get your ass over to my house right now! We need to talk
Ireland: Can I get my 6 counties back?
Canada: No fuck off
Ireland has gone offline
'What the fuck does the tea addict want to do to me' Ireland thought as he made his way down the street.
He saw his best friends Sweden and Germany so instead of going to Britain's house as requested he talked to his friends.
"Oh hey Ire!" Germany smiled.
"Hey Ger! Hi Sweden!" Ireland responded.
"H-hi I-ire" Sweden blushed.
"Are you alright Sweden? You've never stuttered before? Is something bugging you?" Ireland questioned.
"Oh shit, sorry guys my dad wants me home! Bye" Germany winked at Sweden and gave him a thumbs up before running off.
"Bye Ger? Anyways Sweden are you ok? I'm worried about you!" Ireland stated while putting a hand on Sweden's forehead.
Sweden's face grew hotter and hotter making Ireland more worried.
"Come on you're coming home with me!" Ireland declared.
He picked Sweden up bridal style and brought him to his house.
"I-ire p-please put m-me down!" Sweden pleaded.
"Nope!" Ireland responded
Sweden liked his company but his dirty mind would get the best of him most of the time.
America: What plan?
Japan: Yesh plwese tew us
Russia: Japan are you on something?
Japan: Does Anime count?
Russia: Nevermind lol
Germany: I've set Ireland and Sweden up! And its working...
Russia: oh that's nice....
Ukraine: Russia are you jealous that you can't have Germany~?
Belarus: Ukraine, don't start him up again....
Kazakhstan: Just because dad isn't home doesn't mean we can burn the house down.
Germany: You do know your dad is at my house...
Japan: Is my mom there?
Germany: Ja.... Fasist Italy, Japan Empire, Soviet Union France and Britain are here....
Russia: Wat
Germany: Yeah its true....
America: OMG so that's why the house is so quiet....
Canada: Ame no....
Australia: Oooo Ame can I help!
New Zealand: Me too!
America has gone offline
Australia has gone offline
New Zealand has gone offline

Germany: Canada is everything ok?
Canada: Get dad for one minute please Germany
Germany: Sure one Second
Russia: Should we be panicking?
Kazakhstan: Idk I'm scared tho...
Ukraine: Same...
Germany: Don't panic, chaps everything is under control....
Russia: Germs since when are you British
Ukraine: Russia.... Oh my lord....
Germany: Nice one Russia... Canada just calm down we'll be home soon ok
Canada: Ok dad....
Canada has gone offline
Germany: Also Russia your father is disappointed at how stupid you are
Russia: It was a fucking joke
Ukraine: Ha ha Russia is stupid.
Belarus: hahahahahha
Kazakhstan: lol
Germany: This is Third Reich
Russia: No this is the group chat
Germany: No Im serious this is Third Reich and I need to tell you guys something!
Ukraine: Fire away Mr. Reich
Germany: Germany turned into a fucking 6 year old..
Belarus: What the fuck...
Kazakhstan: You're joking right?
Germany: No I'm not....
Ukraine: Russia is screaming rn
Germany: FUCK
Russia: Fuck what?
Germany has gone offline
Ukraine: Guess we'll never know...
Your probably wondering what happened, right? Well here you go!
Third Reich and German Empire bolted down the streets after the young German child....
While Reich was texting the others someone managed to kidnap Germany!
"GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" German Empire screamed.
The kidnapper decided to just throw Germany into the pavement and run.
German Empire ran after said kidnapper and Reich tended to the young child's wounds.
"Papa is that you?" Germany asked.
Reich couldn't respond...
The sadness was swelling up inside of him and it was unbearable!
The young German ended up passing out due to bloodloss so Reich had to carry his sons lifeless body back home.
He hated seeing his son like that...
Russia: I hope he's ok!
America: Oh so you care about him more
Japan: America shut up!
South Korea: Hey I haven't been here in a while and I read the texts don't worry Ik what happened...
Sweden: What happened?
Poland: I hope to god he's not hurt!
Russia: Same..
Ukraine: Russia is literally crying rn
Kazakhstan: Rus calm down....
Russia: Why calm down when you can just cry....
Belarus: True....
Sweden: Guys you didn't awnser me!
Ireland: Sweden it's ok I'll listen to you!
Sweden: STOP!
Poland: Stop what?
Sweden: He's flirting with me!
Ireland: Well you seemed to like it!
Sweden: Fuck off
Ireland: Awww OK....
Sweden: No please don't go....
Japan: Where TF are u 2?
Ireland: At Sweden's House.
Sweden: Ya
Japan: Kiss....
Ireland: ....
Sweden: djgjsjdjsjeurjdbxbcirowodhf
Russia: R/Ihadastroke
Belarus: So true bro
Ukraine: R/Murderedbywords
Kazakhstan: Yes they were murdered by Japan's words....
South Korea: Lol same
Poland: Ame, Nada, Kiwi and Auzzi have been awfully quite don't you think
Japan: That's probably because Britain is mad at them
South Korea: oof
Germany: Who are the 'Badass Bitches'?
Russia: That's us!
Germany: But I'm not bad!
Japan: Oh its only a metaphor
Germany: Papa told me you're my friends? Right?
Ukraine: Yes we are little guy!
Belarus: I want to squish your cheeks so badly!
Germany: Why?
Belarus: Cause Ik your so cute!
Germany: What does Ik mean?
Belarus: Ik= I know!
Germany: Oh...
Ireland: Hello little lad.
Germany: Hallo Ireland?
Ireland: Yep that's me!
Sweden: And I'm Sweden!
Germany: Hallo Sweden!
Russia: Hey you ok?
Germany: As in hurt or how I'm feeling?
Russia: Both
Germany: Well my head is bandaged and my ankle is in a cast like thing! But I'm feeling alright I guess
Poland: You poor child!
Germany: Um I'm not poor. I live in a house..
Germany: Is his nose ok?
Ireland: I'm fine Ger!
Germany: Who's Ger?
Russia: It's our nickname for you!
Belarus: Yeah
Germany: Well I hope you all have a nice evening! I have to go because dinner is ready!
Belarus: BYE
Ukraine: Goodbye little dude
Russia: Bye Ger!
Ireland: Slán
Sweden: Hej då
Japan: さようなら

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