The Chaos Has Just Begun..

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{Third Persons POV}
The European countries got off their bus and looked up at the huge Log Cabin in front of them.
"This place reminds me of Auschwitz!" Germany stated.
"Germany shut up!" UK groaned as he kicked Germany in the shin.
"HEY!" Germany shrieked.
"Enough of that you two..." UN sighed.
He brought them all inside and they stared in awe.
"This place is huge!" Russia gasped.
"Yes now come along and I'll show you your room!" UN laughed.
The countries thought they were getting separate rooms but when UN brought them to a huge room with 22 bunk beds they all froze.
"Ok then you can sleep on the floor!" Germany snickered.
"Hey how come I'm on the bottom and Germany is above me!" Russia whined.
UN had set the beds with the Countrys flag as the pillow case and then the rest of the bed was plain white.
"COOL I GOT A TOP!" Germany yelled as he sprinted over to his bed.
"Ugh..." UK groaned as he placed his things down.
"Well see you all in 3 months!" UN smiled before he left.
"THREE MONTHS! WITH YOU GUYS? AND NO ALCOHOL! THAT MAN IS A MONSTER!" Ireland shrieked and soon got up onto his bed and sobbed into the pillow.
"Dramatic git..." UK scoffed.
"Welp guess we better turn in for the night" France sighed as she sat down on her bed.
"Luckily I brought some beer!" Germany grinned, earning the Irish lads attention.
"YOU GOT BEER?" He asked.
"Oh wait UN confiscated it...." Germany whispered.
Then he and Ireland began to sob uncontrollably on the floor.
"Alcoholics be like" Romania laughed.
"BITCH ALCOHOL IS VERY IMPORTANT IN MY COUNTRY! THIS IS OUR FUCKING MASCOT" Ireland screeched as he showed Romania a poster. "He is the reason I love alcohol!".
"Ok well then let's get some sleep..." Moldova sighed.
"Goodnight everyone!" Britain grunted.
"Goodnight dear" France yawned.
"Goodnight Mr. Britain" Everyobe else said in sync.
"You guys are creepy!" He responded.
"Dear what about the children?" France asked.

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